Hi, Just want to have your opinion on one point. Actually AWStats check's if the webalizer tick is checked, and generates his statistics to /awsats. This is more off a temporary solution, so here is my question. Should I: - Rename the webalizer checkbox in something like Statistics or Web statistics, and leave AWStats in /awstast - Add an AWStats checkbox, and leave AWStats in /awstats - Change the checkbox in a list where you can choose Webalizer or AWStats, and generate the Statistics by the chosen program to /stats - Let as is - None of the above, I have a better solution the I will explain you Thank's for your attention
I think this is the easiest solution. The next best is this one: which has the advantage that only one program is creating statistics (AWStats OR Webalizer) instead of both.
Yes, but then you also have the risk that a user changes his mind. Wich will lead to have an index.htm(l) file for webalizer and an index.php file for AWStats
Then I guess the old files have to be renamed/deleted/moved to another folder if a customer decides to switch.
The best solution ist this one: Thats my opinion, too. And the idea from falko to rename/change/etc... the old folder by changing the stat-program - is the very best. Unless this is the easyest way.