What do you think of this server configuration?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by padmx82, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. padmx82

    padmx82 New Member

    Hi, I would like to know what do you think of the next configuration:


    Basically is an Apache webserver with the Heartbeat service (so if one server goes down, it automatically switches to the next) and also a MySQL server with one database that is replicated to the other server)

    First of all, is it a good idea?
    Do you think it has a good level of high availability?
    Are there any possible problems I would have to know about?

    Thanks, looking forward for what you think..


    Sorry for my english, I´m from Mexico
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's nothing wrong with that.
    Take care about the MySQL replication though. One server has to be the master (i.e. you read and write to it), the other one is the slave and should be read-only, or you will get inconsistent data.
  3. padmx82

    padmx82 New Member

    Thanks for your reply, Falko

    As a matter of fact I was planning to implement your MySQL Replication tutorial.. by the way, thanks for the excelent tutorials in this site!


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