I have a Ubuntu server setup 6.06 configured following The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server (Dapper Drake) guide. Now I want to update my PHP version to 5.2.1, but apt-get update/upgrade brings me nowhere. How should I do it? Jang
I'm not sure if there are already deb packages for PHP 5.2.1 (probably not), so you might have to compile PHP 5.2.1 from the sources if you desperately need it.
Thx for your answer, there are some updates in the xml part of PHP 5.2 I like and need. Probably I have to compile myself, I've searched for some Ubuntu packages but couldn't find them. I found some Deb.dot packages http://www.linuxcompatible.org/PHP_5.2.1_for_Debian_3.1_s81467.html, but I'm not sure if that will work, or that it is recommended. There are also packages for Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty with newer PHP binaries, but I'm unsure about those too. Probably I have to compile myself, still, will that interfere with my ISPconfig configuration or cause any other compatibility issues. I can download the source from php.net and do configure, make, make install, but will that mimic my original Perfect Guide Setup or are there other problems to take care of like updating the apache_mod, or installing other extensions. I've never done it before. What's the risk that I end up with a failed configuration and a not working server? Jang
No, this has no effect on ISPConfig. You are free to configure your Apache/PHP... the way you like. If you use apxs then you don't need to install a new Apache module. The new PHP module should be installed automatically. This link might help you: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_apache2_ssl_php5_zendoptimizer_ioncubeloader