I want to access my directories where I have to store my webpages as a shared directory on another computer in my LAN using my IP-address. How do I do that? Usually I look for the other computer using the explorer in Windows and typing the internal IP-address...
I don't know if Samba is already installed and configured. Searching for 'samba' in Windows' Search for computer section does not give any result. If it is not installed yet, what do I have to do to install it?
Samba will be on your linux machine not windows. To see if it's installed either type... which Samba ...or... ps -ef | grep smbd
when I type: which Samba the system gives the prompt again and no other information. When I type: ps -ef | grep smbd the system replies: root 5672 5653 0 14:03 pts/0 00:00:00 grep smbd What does this mean? If it is not installed yet, do I have to do special actions to install and configure it?
I thought the same thing at first, the second command checks to see if it's running. But I think it's odd the first command just returns to the prompt without any reply at all. You'll usually get that no samba was found in a list of directories. That's why I changed to whereis samba.
Run Code: yast and check if Samba is installed. What's the output of Code: which [B][COLOR="Red"]s[/COLOR][/B]amba (not Code: which [B][COLOR="Red"]S[/COLOR][/B]amba )?
Code: which samba gives no reply. Only the prompt... I think installing Samba server is now ok. But how to share the directories to use in my Windows?