Dear forum, I have a Linux box at 1&1 ISP. I'm migration from a Root Server to a Managed Server solution due to some problems that I have had with the Root Server. This root Server is running at this time in Rescue Mode. I need to get all my data out. I have done it for all my domains but I have a problem, I dont know how to backup my mySQL databases. The command mysqldump doesn't work while in Rescue Mode. Can you guys give me some advise on how can I backup the mySQL databases that I have in there, I need to have them locally in order to place them in the new server. Only 2 DB I need to backup. I really appreciate your help in advance. Sincerely, Eloy
You can back up the MySQL directory (usually it's /var/lib/mysql). If you mount the appropriate partition to /mnt in your rescue system, you must back up /mnt/var/lib/mysql.