How would you do it?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Z3n, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. Z3n

    Z3n New Member

    Greetings all,

    I have a scenario and I would like to know how others would approach this. All ideas are welcome.

    You are hosting 10 web sites on an ISP Config server ( thank you Falko ) and you have the opportunity to have an additional 2 remote locations and to host additional domains.

    How would you spread out your services to encompass and utilize these 2 new locations?

    How do you maintain the data between all the locations?

    Will this require a VPN between locations or can it all be achieved with ssh?

    The solution I thought up of is thusly:

    Label the three locations A, B, and C respectively. You are physically at location A. B and C are at least a 4 hour drive to get to.

    I had thought of using locations B and C as the primary location to serve up the web content. Create entries in DNS in a round-robin fashion. Use location A as the primary and only location for hosted email and for web site administration by creating a host http://administrator.somedomain.tld. On a regular schedule push out any updates that occur at location A to the remote locations to ensure they are up to date through ssh.

    Traditional web pages wouldn't be a problem but those using a MySQL backend would be if they are using a package such as Joomla ( if you haven't checked Joomla out, you should!! ) How do you sync up the MySQL databases on a regular basis?

    I have followed Falko's howto on setting up fault redundant NFS servers and I really liked that, pair that with his Apache Cluster howto and it gets even more cool. In that scenario you wouldn't have to scramble to fix anything because of it's fail over capability. Any way to incorporate this into the mix?

    Any and all thoughts welcome.

    Thank Z3n
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm doing this with this tutorial:
    which means only the first database is in use, the second one is only a fallback solution (you don't write to it as long as the master database is up).
  3. taurin

    taurin New Member

    Maybe that's a way to .?

    First if all the sites should be exactly the same you an achieve to do an active / active configuration.

    1 - Set up your DNS to round robin the connexions
    2 - Use a multimaster file replication server like Unison to be sure that images and files uploaded by users, created by the systems and your applications will be the same on all server regardless on which server has been used for. And set up QoS to contain your bandwidth use

    3 - The only issue you'll have is to use only one database for all sites. I'm pretty sure that there are solution do dispatch your database on both sites but they aren't free (San File system for example, WAFS), GFS File systems could help but performances are horrible for databases. So if you link allows it, you could have only one database used and the others are waiting for the crash to come like Falko said. :rolleyes:

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