Alert: NEWBIE question

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by U2XS, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. U2XS

    U2XS New Member

    Hi, everyone, I'm new to Linux, but I've had experience on a PC since Windows 95. Getting to the point - I'd like to set up a server at home with Apache and a Linux OS - the question is Which?

    Which Operating system reliable, but at the same time more or less user friendly? I understand that with Linux, I can not avoid command line operations altogether, but I'd prefer not to memorize bookloads. Any thoughts and suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!
  2. Leszek

    Leszek Member


    I've tried a coupple of them and came to the conclusion that OpenSuSE is the most user friendly system I know.
    I'm starting to like Debian but it's less user friendly.
    I can't really tell You about their stability (no production servers of my own) but i hear that they really are.
  3. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Do you want a desktop (with server) or server only system?
  4. taurin

    taurin New Member

    What about ubuntu server

    I both use OpenSUSE and Ubuntu servers, and, for a newbie, i do think that, while installing a LAMP server for the first time Ubuntu is far more easyer.

    The setup of Ubuntu server provide "one click" configuration to get started with LAMP server, at the end of the preflight check, the installer ask wether you want to install a LAMP server ou another.
    It may be controversial but Yast2 is less intutive and sometime rather boring than a synaptic packet manager or aptitude and apt-get, and, for a new user, Internet installation of opensuse may be more difficult than installing an ubuntu server version.

    But, that's only my point of view :)

    And there's some great tutorials her to get started (for both servers)

    Concerning the stability issues, we do run more than one hundred websites on ubuntu 6.06 servers, and Suse Servers are not opensuse ones bit Enterprise servers.

    Both keeps running well, but we do prefer Ubuntu ones for maintenance reasons.

    May it help you .
  5. U2XS

    U2XS New Member

    Hey everyone, thanks for the fast and thorough responses.

    From what I understood - all are very stable. Since I am new, my only fear was that those with graphic front-end interfaces would be less stable due to the processor intensive GUI. It was unwarranted but I guess I was just looking to be sure.

    I'm not entirely sure. I don't plan on using the Desktop much (unless I'm configuring the software) but when I actually do need to configure the software, I would like to have something more or less intuitive. Since I have Zero experience with command-line Linux I suspected that a GUI would be my best bet.

    That seems like the best solution. In part because a friend of mine had already suggested Ubuntu. The only question now would be should I get the Desktop edition or the Server edition? I know it sounds ridiculous but I need both! :)
  6. taurin

    taurin New Member

    As a asked by sjau

    If you need a GUI and if you don't need (i assume it will be so) no MPIO drivers to use in a SAN environnement, consider using Ubuntu Desktop Edition.

    You will be able to complete a LAMP server installation follwing the tutorials located here.


    It's possible to install a 'server' version Kernel on a Desktop distrib.

    The changes between the desktop and the server kernel images are mainly intended for high performances purposes, and, i mean no harm, it's sounds like you won't be operating thoses servers/stations in a SAN or HA environnements.

    If, so, please use a server edition .... :D

    Another point should be raised here, although CLI are less 'intuitive', they allow you to understand far more quickly how your systems works, and, it'll will be a bit more painfull at the beginning, but it's worth a try.
  7. U2XS

    U2XS New Member

    Hi Taurin, I don't feel harm - only gratitude. The links you sent were replaced with "..." Can you try again? I have foolishly installed the server edition already, but I also have the desktop edition which I will install now. :D
  8. taurin

    taurin New Member

  9. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    well, configuration of a server will be throuth editing text files... so there's really no difference between cli and gui :)
  10. taurin

    taurin New Member

    Of course Sjau :)

    I was thinking about gnome's system menu :)

    But you're right
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Take a look at these tutorials:

    * CentOS 4.3:
    * CentOS 4.4:
    * Debian Woody (3.0):
    * Debian Sarge (3.1):
    * Debian Sarge (3.1) on a Strato Server:
    * Fedora Core 3:
    * Fedora Core 4:
    * Fedora Core 5:
    * Fedora Core 6:
    * Mandrake/Mandriva 10.2:
    * Mandriva 2006 Free:
    * Mandriva 2007 Free:
    * SuSE 9.2:
    * SuSE 9.3:
    * SuSE 10.0:
    * SuSE 10.1:
    * OpenSuSE 10.2:
    * Ubuntu 5.04:
    * Ubuntu 5.10:
    * Ubuntu 6.06:
    * Ubuntu 6.10:

    Personally, I prefer Debian.

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