What I'm looking for is a way to have one login (Anonymous is alright but I would prefer something more secure) so everyone can access one folder that is going to be on the network from FTP. Using the users from ISPConfig is working alright but we have clients that are FTPing in to put files and there is a Mailbox and web folders on the ftp site that they are uploading to. That's a pain cause We don't want our clients to have a mail box (yes I know that will be addressed in another version) and if that user ever gets removed so does that ftp site. Sooo, that's why I'm wondering if I can have proftpd have it's own user going to it's own folder separate from ISPConfig.? Thanks!
*this is theoretical* Could you maby go into your configuration and create a new user, then attach that user to FTP and assign him a folder. http://www.webmin.com should make it pretty easy to do and understand.
Sure, just create a new user on the command line with the useradd command. Make sure you use a user ID below 10,000 so that it doesn't conflict with the user IDs used by ISPConfig.
Sweet, I'll give that a try. Is there anyway to have the users in ISPConfig not be able to use the FTP site?
Sure, use a different username and password that only the people that you want to access the FTP site know.
I'm thinking more for security. All the email users have an ftp by default in ISPConfig (until they release a version that doesn't allow FTP and mail only accounts. SO that's why I'm looking for just one user and avoid a whole bunch of ftp access to the server.
If you don't want ISPConfig users to have FTP access, you can disable that on the Basis tab of each web site in ISPConfig. This is planned for ISPConfig 3.
I haven't been able to get anonymous working but I did get a user working outside of ISPConfig. Thanks for your help everyone.
I know this is old, but you can change anonymous access on and off and its setting in the proftpd.conf