Need Lesson How TO USE it~!

Discussion in 'General' started by weslkers, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. weslkers

    weslkers New Member

    So far i had read many tutorials about how to install the Linux n ISPConfig. You guys had provided a good lesson teaching people how to do the installation about all of this but stil had a BIG problem here maybe you guys had notice it~! i believe had alot people here stil hav a same problem that dunno HOW TO USE IT~! Pls provide some lesson how to use it such system function (example ISPConfig) more effective~
  2. AlArenal

    AlArenal New Member

    How is anyone supposed to answer, if you don't ask specific questions?

    Anyone who intends to set up and use ISPConfig should have some knowledge about Linux and webservers. With such knowledge and the provided documentation (handbook, website, forum, ...) it shouldn't be too dificult to get a website and some email accounts up and running quickly.

    I mean.. take a look at your car's handbook. I bet it doesn't teach you driving, does it? ;)
  3. fordwrench

    fordwrench Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I know what he is asking.

    Where to start?

    What do I do first?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    First check the settings under Management -> Server -> Settings (Maildir, etc.).
    Then create a first customer, and afterwards you can create your first web site in ISPConfig.
  5. weslkers

    weslkers New Member

    To Alarenal,

    i understand what you mean here, but if no body to teach how to drive then it will be very hard for a newbie to drive the car~ for me, i was a newbie to do all of this installation, fedora, ispconfig, php, apache n etc~ It was very hard for me to use all of this new system~! That y i really need some basic lesson that teach me how to use it~ At least the lesson will guide me how to start it 1st~~ This is what i mean at all~~ however thx for ur guys reply so far~~

    best regard,
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2007

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