Hi I've got a question to you about FreeNas. Is it possible to let the nas system sleep (i.e. Standby) over night and start it automatically in the morning? I really hope that somebody can help me. Thank you.
I'am no specialist regarding Free NAS, but I guess it might be possible with the following setup: 1) execute the command "shutdown -h now" every day automatically via cron at e.g. 6 pm in the evening. 2) Run your server behind a timer (Zeitschaltuhr ) that powers the server off at 6:30 pm and powers it on at e.g. 7 AM again. Your motherborad must be configured to boot when the power is switched on. For example some mini-ITX boards that I know support this.
i thought about that but it is a pc not a server and i think i have to push the power button before the computer can boot. wir können dann auch in deutsch weiter reden