Installation does not start......

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bharatdevdas, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. bharatdevdas

    bharatdevdas New Member

    I used to use Red Hat 9. I have just got to start using linux. When i boot from the CD the menu opens. When I press return to start installation, it starts to read from the CD then suddenly i get a message "UBS Universal Host Controller Version 2.2" and stops. From here nothing happens. There is no problem with the CD as it works on other systems. Can anyone please help?:confused:
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe a problem with hardware not supported? :confused:
  3. bharatdevdas

    bharatdevdas New Member

    How do I get rid of the problem? I am totally frustrated that I cant install. What do I do now?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Normally, when you boot from a Linux CD, you have more than one boot option. There should always be a fail-safe mode. Try that one. I think on RedHat you have to press F3 to find out about all boot modes.
  5. bharatdevdas

    bharatdevdas New Member

    Thanks man, I did that. I had to do 'noprobe', which does not detect any hardware while starting to install. Yes, it got installed, but now..... it wont boot. What to do?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Again, you should have more than one boot option. Normally, there should be a failsafe boot mode. Try that one.
  7. bharatdevdas

    bharatdevdas New Member

    I install the grub boot loader. But where do I give extra commands like that while booting? How do I set it such that it asks me for it.

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