Bug in ispconfig 2.1.1

Discussion in 'General' started by Bruce, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce New Member

    Bug in ispconfig 2.1.1?


    I've just installed the new ispconfig 2.1.1 on a test-server. Now, I've created a test-reseller and set his limits. He has the permissions to create webs without shell, anonymous ftp, ssi,...
    Then, I've logged in as the reseller and want to create a new web. But now, the reseller has all rights. shell, anonymous ftp, ssi,... are visible! How can that be? Is this maybe a bug?

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2005
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The fields are visible, but the reseller is not allowed to enable them. If he does and wants to save the web site, he'll get an error message telling him "You cannot assign [...] to this website.".
  3. Bruce

    Bruce New Member

    No, I tried it and the reseller can enable the disabled features. Really, i tried it several times with some different resellers.

    Now, I created a web for a reseller as administrator. If the reseller opens this web, he can only see the fields he should see. But if the reseller creates a new web, he can see an enable all features.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2005
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Even features that aren't enabled for the reseller? You don't see an error message?:confused:
  5. Bruce

    Bruce New Member


    Yes, even features that are not enabled for a reseller. I can send you some screenshots, if you want.
    It's a strange problem. On my production-server, I hat ispconfig 1.2.0 running - everything was fine. I updated to ispconfig 1.2.1 and everything is fine too.

    Then, I installed it (1.2.1) on my test-server directly (there was no version 1.2.0 installed) and there the problem occurs.

    And there are no error-messages.

    Best regards,

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