eBox on Deian etch

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by DOK, May 5, 2007.

  1. DOK

    DOK New Member

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't know if this works, I haven't tried it yet. The eBox tutorial was written for Sarge.
  3. DOK

    DOK New Member

    Thank you, Yup just found a thread that its not devloped yet for etch as the ebox is used for production servers and they havent got it stable to use yet.
  4. maconulaff

    maconulaff New Member

    eBox is leaving Debian for Ubuntu

    I have been using eBox for some time, but now that they are leaving Debian for Ubuntu, I have some reservations about sticking with it unless they maintain a Debian version. I have yet to have an Ubuntu based server not experience some failure due to packaging/version changes within a year of install. I still have Debian servers that started with Woody and are still humming along great on Etch now. I love what Ubuntu is doing in the area of development, but I am not ready to build a production server on Ubuntu.

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