Hello Logged into ispconfig as admin. I attempted to move an account from the admin group to another reseller group and it lost all the databases and apache directives. ugh! I was also then unable to select the mysql option or add any apache directives, so I moved it back to the admin group 1. How do I get all the databases back? 2. Is this a bug? if so what is the fix? Regards Russ
1) Are the databases there if you check with phpmyadmin? 2) - Which ISPConfig version do you use? - Apache directives are not altered at all by the website moving tool, so there must be another issue for the problem. - Maybe you moved the site to a reseller where that has no permissions to use apache directives or databases.
Till Thanks for your reply, here are my answers: No the databases are gone, I confirmed by logging in through ssh and checking the directory where dbs are stored and through phpmyadmin. Version is: 2.2.12 Here is what happened. The reseller did not have the correct options selected when they were set up. By default, when a new reseller is created they do not get the apache directives or the mysql option. So when I moved the accounts to the reseller with less permissions, it changed the site to match. My suggestion would be a warning message with an option to cancel instead of just completing the move and then letting you know it deleted all your databases and removed the apache directives. In fact I would suggest that any time a site is moved to a reseller with any less options you get a warning before it is deleted. Regards Russ