Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier And MySQL (Fedora Core 5)

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by my978796, May 8, 2007.

  1. my978796

    my978796 New Member

    I followed the above tutorial but using different version of postfix srpm ( version 2.4) with vda patch from

    I got the problem with quota.

    When i set quota field in users table with default value '10485760', i got error message,
    maildir delivery failed: user overdrawn his diskspace quota. Strangely, the user folder is empty.

    I aslo try to manually create maildirsize with size of 10485760, but the problem still occured.

    When i reset the value of quota field to 0, mail is delivered to user folder.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    How big is the mail that you're trying to send to the user?
  3. my978796

    my978796 New Member

    Only small file with size less than 1KB.

    Anyway, I manage to get rid of the problem after follow exactly the setup in the howto, and now quota worked fine. Actualy, i only change the the sql query to suit my need as below and configure virtual_mailbox_base to /.

    I still need assistant to get my intended setup running fine with quota. I am trying to migrate from qmail-mysql to postfix-mysql, and i have users table with home field with absolute path in qmail-mysql setup. I try to stick with current design.

    This is my setup.

    I alter users table and create 'home' field. This field will refer to user's home folder with absolute path ( /home/test)

    I modified mysql query in /etc/postfix/ to, query=select concat(home, '/') FROM users WHERE email='%s', and set virtual_mailbox_base = /. I don't know how to get rid of the variable and postfix refuse to start without this variable. So, i put / for that.

    With this setup, i face the problem with quota as posted before. I think it may be related to virtual_mailbox_base when the value is set to / and my sql query.

    How can i ignore this virtual_mailbox_base value, and tell postfix/vda not to append value to my home field ?. I try not change my home value ( get rid of first /) because i have internal program that refer to the home folder with absolute path.

    Do you have any suggestion to make my setup work.

    Last edited: May 10, 2007

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