Problems with "The Perfect Desktop" Mandriva free 2007

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by TomSa, May 3, 2007.

  1. TomSa

    TomSa New Member

    This afternoon, I installed Mandriva free 2007 on my home desktop. the installation process went very smoothly and easily- with only one error message:

    "error loading tetex-3.0-18mdv2007.0.i586"

    I didn't know what that meant (and had no way of finding out) so I pressed onward, and everything so far seemed to be working pretty well. I still don't know what that means- but everything is still working.

    When I got to page 6 of the tutorial (adding additional software) I could not find the following programs when I searched for them:

    google earth

    Now, my first inclination is to google search for each software that I'm missing, download it, and install it- but I would love to know why I was not finding them according to the tutorial's steps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated in this matter.

    I would also appreciate any additional direction to any good sources of information on linux anyone may have, as this is literally the first day that I have actually installed and run any version of linux on any computer, so I am a severe noob. Thanks for your patience, and your help.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you use Mandriva 2007 Free or Mandriva 2007 Spring Free? That's a difference, and I'm currently writing a tutorial for the Spring version.
  3. TomSa

    TomSa New Member


    Thanks for the speedy reply- and for the great tutorials! I am currently running Mandriva 2007 free. I wouldn't mind upgrading to spring free later, but I should probably just get things working and get myself a little bit mmore familiar with the OS. If it helps you, I am using the i586 package. Let me know what I should do!

  4. TomSa

    TomSa New Member

    In addition to my prior post, here's more info. I decided to just look around at some of the menu options just to get a better idea of how this OS is structured. In doing this, I have somehow gained Two icons on my desktop. One is an apparently empty folder called "presets", and the other looks like a piece of paper with a red X in the top right corner and a yellow padlock in the bottom right corner called "core.16377" The latter showed up after digging around in the control panel- more specificly the "select where software packages are dowloaded from while updating the system" dialog. The folder didn't bother me too much because it's empty, but the other icon does, as I had to enter my password to get to the control center before its creation. I didn't change anything in there to my knowledge, if a window looked like I shouldn't mess with it-I just hit cancel and left it alone. I googled it, and got nothing. I'm not sure if I should just delete it so I won't. Please advise, and thanks again for your help. This is all so new and foreign to me, I'm almost embarassed by my own questions!
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Ok, you're using the same version as in the tutorial. :)

    Did you set up your repositories as shown on ? I guess you're missing the plf-free and plf-nonfree repositories?
  6. TomSa

    TomSa New Member


    Thanks! I did mess up part about setting up my repositories- I guess that's what I get for trying to install an unfamiliar O/S while practicing my trumpet at the same time:D . I have hit another snag in the process now. The link :

    for installing java doesn't seem to be working. I tried to download and install it from sun directly, but I'm not sure how to get to the plugin directory for firefox in the terminal. Thanks again for your help- what is up and running now works great! Please advise.

  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Try this one instead:

    (You can go to and see which packages are available. :))
  8. TomSa

    TomSa New Member


    First of all, thanks for all of the help you have offered- I am nearly through this and everything that has been successful is working beautifully! I have, however, come to what I hope is my final difficulty. In trying to install VMware server, when I am asked where I wish to keep my virtual machine files, and I specify:


    I get the following:

    What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to

    And I just don't know what to do with that. Do you have any suggestions?


  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    For Mandriva, the correct answer should be /etc/rc.d.
  10. TomSa

    TomSa New Member

    Okay, I have gotten farther this time. I reached a point where the terminal asked me:

    In which directory do you want to install the documentation files?

    So I chose the default and agreed to this:

    The path "/home/tomsa/doc/vmware" does not exist currently. This program is
    going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?
    [yes] y

    And got this message:

    Unable to get the access rights of source file "./vmware-vix/bin".

    Execution aborted.

    Any ideas? On the bright side, using the terminal is starting to make more sense to me- but I am reminded daily of how much I have to learn! My decision to learn Linux has been a humbling one- but I like a challenge!
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't know if this is the reason, but instead of pressing y, just press ENTER to accept the default value.
  12. TomSa

    TomSa New Member

    I tried just hitting enter, and I still get the following message:

    Unable to get the access rights of source file "./vmware-vix/bin".

  13. TomSa

    TomSa New Member


    After a brief bout of frustration, I did a bit more searching and found the following on :

    "Unable to get the access rights of source file “./vmware-vix/bin”.
    January 8th, 2007

    This is a strange error that I saw for the first time today while trying to install the latest build of VMware server.

    The fix for it is as follows,

    go to $vmwaresetup_dir/bin directory and create a symbolic link to ../bin"

    So my questions are; do you think this will work, and if so, how do I do that?


  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think he means this:
    Go to the VMware source directory (e.g.
    cd /home/falko/Desktop/vmware-server-distrib
    Then go to the bin directory:
    cd bin
    and create a symlink:
    ln -s ../bin bin
    But I don't know if it works.
  15. TomSa

    TomSa New Member


    Well, the symbolic link thing didn't work- I suppose I will have to explore some other options besides vmware. In any case, I thank you for all of the help you have offered over the past few weeks. Keep up the good work!


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