Has anyone installed Ubuntu Studio on an HP DV9000 laptop?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Brightbelt, May 15, 2007.

  1. Brightbelt

    Brightbelt New Member

    I just installed Ubuntu on my HP DV9030us laptop and it's gone really well. There was a DV9000 thread on another forum which gave me the courage to install Ubuntu on my new laptop. I've got it in a dual-boot with XP.

    I'm curious as to whether anyone has installed Ubuntu Studio on an HP DV9000 series laptop. I'm a professional musician and I'd love to see dow the digital audio applications run in Linux.

    Of course, I can install them from Ubuntu and it probably would be best not to fool with this configuration.

    Does one gain anything in terms of "functionability out of the box" when installing Ubuntu Studio? Or is it the same as downloading from scratch?

    Thanks, Frank
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Ubuntu Studio comes with different kernels than Ubuntu Feisty, so it's possible that they don't work on your notebook. If you want to go sure, you could buy a second 2.5" HDD for testing purposes, or you install the desired software on your existing (working) Ubuntu desktop (you won't lose any functionality then, it's as if you had Ubuntu Studio installed, only with a different look).
  3. Brightbelt

    Brightbelt New Member

    I thought I'd report that U-Studio does install on the HP dv9030us laptop pretty well. I am maybe having issues with the default screen resolutions, but everything else so far works just as well as Ubuntu did on this laptop.

    My wireless configures like a snap, just as with Ubuntu.

    I hope this helps someone. I am going to post about the resolution problem, so keep an eye out for that as well. Thanks, Frank

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