Can't send mails only to hotmail

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by sulfuric, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. gavro

    gavro New Member

    same problem

    I too have the same problem. When sending mail to hotmail all mail is processed as junk... When sending from Kmail the mail does not even arrive (very strange, only when using Kmail as client)

    I've used the form suggested by edge some while ago, 've setup corect spf records for my domains and I've had several 'conversations' with "Windows Live Hotmail Domain Support".

    The only thing they keep saying (I am abolutely sure it's a standard reply) is:
    I really don't know what to do from now on... I really need to get this working... argh! crap MS!

    Any suggestions as to what I should try next?

    My SPF record for
    v=spf1 a mx ptr ip4: -all

    I've changed my spf records to:
    v=spf1 a mx ip4: ?all
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2007
  2. wapa17

    wapa17 New Member

    We will fix the Hotmail-problem slowly !

    After closing all holes (like Reverse-DNS, SPF-records etc.) sending to Hotmail seemed to work.
    BUT.. today I tried again ..and ?? NOTHING !!! The same like before ..

    I discoverd that it has something to do with the Web-application UEBMIAU.. and YESSSS.. mails sent by UEBMIAU doesnt go through Hotmail, mails sent by KMail YES..

    The reason is I think in the mailheader. Below an example of a mail I have sent to my hotmail-account from the Web-application UebIMiau:

    Return-Path: <[email protected]>
    X-Original-To: [email protected]
    Delivered-To: [email protected]
    Received: from UebiMiau ( [])
    by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DD7E63FC2E8
    for <[email protected]>; Sun, 6 May 2007 03:08:04 -0500 (COT)
    Received: from client for UebiMiau2.7 (webmail client); Sun, 6 May 2007 3:08:04 +0100
    Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 3:08:04 +0100
    From: "Web1_machatik" <[email protected]>

    The problem is : ( []).

    Hotmail doesnt like local IPs lately !!!

    the mailheader sent from KMail to hotmail:

    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Sat, 5 May 2007 19:25:19 -0700
    Received: from [] (unknown [])by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B633B3FC2E0for <[email protected]>; Sat, 5 May 2007 21:25:18 -0500 (COT)

    As you can see KMail (POP3) send the mails with the real-IP .. and not with and thats the reason because Hotmail doesnt accept our mails.

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please try to set the real name of your mailserver in uebimiau by editing the file:


    set your mailserver name in the line:

    $smtp_server = ""; #YOU NEED CHANGE IT !!

    and enable SMTP authentication:

    $use_password_for_smtp = yes;

    You may ahve to change these lines too:

    $mail_servers[] = Array(
    "domain" => "localhost",
    "server" => "localhost",
    "login_type" => "%user%"

    $default_mail_server = "localhost";
  4. wapa17

    wapa17 New Member

    hi Till,

    thanks ..
    Yes .. i checked all of your settings and they are ok.

    I went a bit deeper in the scripts of Uebimiau (class.smtp.php) and checked the function create_header(). But this function works correct too.

    So, the next (and last) could only be the envelopes taking again the (real)-example from the mailheader (sending from uebimiau to an account of the samedomain):

    Return-Path: <[email protected]>
    X-Original-To: [email protected]
    Delivered-To: [email protected]
    Received: from UebMiao ( [])
    by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E24E23FC252
    for <[email protected]>; Sun, 6 May 2007 09:39:33 -0500 (COT)
    Received: from client for UebiMiau2.7 (webmail client); Sun, 6 May 2007 9:39:33 +0100

    The last "received"-envelope is from Uebimiau and it is correct.
    The first "received"-envelope seemed to be from Postfix .. and now I think is necessary a little hack in one of the postfix-scripts, because Uebimiau generates one envelope only .. the second MUST be from Postfix.
  5. dv3dv3

    dv3dv3 New Member

    Hello again..

    my last experience..

    after creatng and putting the SPF record, it seem that my problem WAS solved in a matter of minutes.. but after 30 minutes or so.. the problem came back again :S, so i decided to subscribe to the senderid program, got response from microsoft.. but the problem still remains..

    from my domain, can't send email to hotmail :S .
  6. wapa17

    wapa17 New Member

    Hi dv3dv3,

    ..I think it can be do with a postfix-config.. (so that the IP is replaced by the public IP)...
  7. lio

    lio New Member


    hi everyone.
    It seems that I have the same problem with yours, but the think is that I am new at work and many things I really don't understand them. I am pretty sure that I hav't an SPF ( I don't even know what this is). I please you if it is possible a step by step config for what i sould do to be able to sent mail at hotmail
    Thanks in andvance
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you have ISPConfig installed?
  9. lio

    lio New Member

    No I don't have one. Is it nessesery to have one, and if it is how can I intall it
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, it's not necessary to have it installed.

    You can use this wizard: to create an SPF record, and then you must add this SPF record to the DNS zone of your domain.
  11. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    No I don't have one as NO I do not have a SPF record, or as in NO I do not have ISPconfig installed?
  12. lio

    lio New Member

    :) Consider it done. Thanks for the tip. now that I have an spf record should i do something(s) more or that was the end of the story (Idon't think so but I would like to believe it)
  13. lio

    lio New Member

    Nothing from the two you say. now i have an spf record, but still can't email at hotmail. Maybe I should take a tour on your answers you have already given, and stop anoying you the same thinks over and over.
  14. tr4d3r

    tr4d3r New Member

    Got The Solution ...

    Hello, after a lot of research, i found the problem, is like HOTMAIL dosent like the X Verbs (X-Sender, X-Date, X-Priority, etc) so, using the good test and mistake method i get it to work ... i can send mail from the webmail to HOTMAIL ... another rare thing is that HOTMAIL dosent like either too many "RECEIVED FROM" so i comment this part to ... now everything work ok.

    To repair this, you need to modify the class: ./webmail/inc/class.smtp.php

    // $header[] = sprintf("Received: from client %s for SLMHosting; %s %s\r\n", $this->IPAddress, date("D, j M Y G:i:s"), $this->timezone);
    // $header[] = sprintf("Date: %s %s\r\n", date("D, j M Y G:i:s"), $this->timezone);
    $header[] = sprintf("From: \"%s\" <%s>\r\n", $this->FromName, trim($this->From));
    if(count($this->to) > 0)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("To", $this->to);
    if(count($this->cc) > 0)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("Cc", $this->cc);
    if(count($this->bcc) > 0 && $use_sendmail)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("Bcc", $this->bcc);

    if(count($this->ReplyTo) > 0)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("Reply-to", $this->ReplyTo);
    $header[] = sprintf("Subject: %s\r\n", trim($this->Subject));
    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Priority: %d\r\n", $this->Priority);
    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Mailer: %s\r\n", $this->Version);
    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Original-IP: %s\r\n", $this->IPAddress);
    // $header[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\r\n", $this->Encoding);
    // $header[] = sprintf("Return-Path: %s\r\n", trim($this->From));

    and again:

    // $MSHeader .= sprintf("X-MSMail-Priority: %s\r\n", $MSPriority);

    at last:

    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Original-IP: %s\r\n", $this->IPAddress);

    Thanks, and greetings ...

    Ing. Gonzalo Araujo C
    SLM Sistemas Ltda.
    Bogota, Colombia.
  15. tr4d3r

    tr4d3r New Member

    Hello, after a lot of research, i found the problem, is like HOTMAIL dosent like the X Verbs (X-Sender, X-Date, X-Priority, etc) so, using the good test and mistake method i get it to work ... i can send mail from the webmail to HOTMAIL ... another rare thing is that HOTMAIL dosent like either too many "RECEIVED FROM" so i comment this part to ... now everything work ok.

    To repair this, you need to modify the class: ./webmail/inc/class.smtp.php

    // $header[] = sprintf("Received: from client %s for SLMHosting; %s %s\r\n", $this->IPAddress, date("D, j M Y G:i:s"), $this->timezone);
    // $header[] = sprintf("Date: %s %s\r\n", date("D, j M Y G:i:s"), $this->timezone);
    $header[] = sprintf("From: \"%s\" <%s>\r\n", $this->FromName, trim($this->From));
    if(count($this->to) > 0)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("To", $this->to);
    if(count($this->cc) > 0)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("Cc", $this->cc);
    if(count($this->bcc) > 0 && $use_sendmail)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("Bcc", $this->bcc);

    if(count($this->ReplyTo) > 0)
    $header[] = $this->addr_append("Reply-to", $this->ReplyTo);
    $header[] = sprintf("Subject: %s\r\n", trim($this->Subject));
    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Priority: %d\r\n", $this->Priority);
    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Mailer: %s\r\n", $this->Version);
    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Original-IP: %s\r\n", $this->IPAddress);
    // $header[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\r\n", $this->Encoding);
    // $header[] = sprintf("Return-Path: %s\r\n", trim($this->From));

    and again:

    // $MSHeader .= sprintf("X-MSMail-Priority: %s\r\n", $MSPriority);

    at last:

    // $header[] = sprintf("X-Original-IP: %s\r\n", $this->IPAddress);

    Thanks, and greetings ...

    Ing. Gonzalo Araujo C
    SLM Sistemas Ltda.
    Bogota, Colombia.
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I wouldn't comment out the Return-Path and Content-Transfer-Encoding lines.
  17. djida

    djida New Member

    me I use squirellmail; and I always have Pb with hotmail , if I sending directly via SMPT the emai passes, but if I use the webmail, :confused: the email does not pass. how I apllic the modification of “#75 tr4dr” on squiellmail

    please is very importante probleme

    thank you
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2007
  18. pristoid

    pristoid New Member

    reverse DNS problem with hotmail ?

    When I contact microsoft they send me this reply ? could it be the problem
    As per our technical standards documentation at “We may not accept e-mail from senders who fail a reverse-dns lookup.”  At this time you are currently failing a reverse-dns lookup on your IP address.  As well this is a technical violation of RFC1912 2.1
    I shall include a copy of the error and a link for your reference.
    No PTR records exist for [Neg TTL=172800 seconds]
    Details: (an authoritative nameserver for, which is in charge of the reverse DNS for
    says that there are no PTR records for
    To get reverse DNS set up for, you need to speak to your Internet provider.  You could also
    check with [email protected]., who is in charge of the zone.
  19. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's no reverse record for your IP address. Please do what they suggest in their email:

  20. Hagforce

    Hagforce New Member

    Now I also have this Hotmail problem!
    It has been now problem until the other day when I upgraded ISPConfig.
    Then suddenly all mail users on my server syddenly got hundreds of these loop back messages, but the solution in this thread worked.
    But I still don`t know why this problem occured.

    And now, I cant send to hotmail addresses for some reason.
    I guess it would be the same problem that the others in this tread have, just strange i did`nt occur until now.

    Then over to some dumb questions.... :)

    I use a registrar for my domains, and their DNS points the domains to my ISPConfig server.
    I see that I have no SPF record when using the tools linked to in this tread, so that is probably one problem there,
    I went into ISPConfig and made a SPF record under my "main" domain, but after a few days, the tools still indicates no SPF record.
    Do I have to ask my registrar to add a SPF record to his DNS?

    I have several domains on my server, ie, do I have to add SPF records to all these domains?

    Reverse DNS entries for MX record is, is this ok or must this also be changed?

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