I have done a fresh install on a fedora 4 box using your perfect setup. Then installed frontpage. Then installed ispconfig. My problem I can log into the admin page of ispconfig but all the icons and the server pages that are on the right side are not there. when i click on the pages it says this page can not be displayed. why?
another why? why am i getting this error? ########## INSTALLATION ########## Preparing files. Please wait a moment... All prerequisites are fulfilled. Here we go... Please enter your MySQL server:localhost Please enter your MySQL user:xxxxxxxxx Please enter your MySQL password:xxxxxxxxx OK Please enter a name for the ISPConfig database (e.g. db_ispconfig):ispconfig Please enter the IP address of the ISPConfig web (e.g. OK Please enter the host name (e.g. www):www Please enter the domain (e.g. xyz.de):xxxxxxxx.com ERROR: The URL is not reachable! The installation routine stops here!
I can ping the server on its static ip addressfrom an outside address. I put the static address of the machine to where i am installing the software. should i have used since the software resides on it?
The error occurred after you entered the host name and domain so the installer could not ping www.xxxxxxxx.com, not the IP address. Make sure that www.xxxxxxxx.com can be resolved and pinged.
how do i do that if i cant have any domains installed while i install your software? I have a domain set up to point to the ip address but dont have it installed on the box.
You can use that domain. You don't need to "install" it, the only requirement is that it points to your system.
ok well it has been pointed to that set of ip address for over a week. I can not do a tracert on the namesever for some reason. What is the path that ispocnfig uses to install its html files?
The ISPConfig server part is under /root/ispconfig, the web interface under /home/admispconfig/ispconfig. But you cannot install ISPConfig manually, you need to run the installer. Instead of entering a hostname and domain during the installation, you can leave the hostname empty and enter your IP address as domain.