Problem installing vmware on feisty

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Professor_K, May 18, 2007.

  1. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    I'm new to Linux, I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn and wanted to install VMWare Server. I followed the tutorial on the site but every time I type "sudo" (after typing the other commands) this message appears : "Command not found". I tried to drag the file in the terminal but then I get this message: "A previous installation of VMware software has been detected.

    The previous installation was made by the tar installer (version 3).

    Keeping the tar3 installer database format.

    Error: Unable to execute "/home/[myname]/Desktop/Ubuntu/vmware-server-distrib/


    Execution aborted."

    I then realised that I quit the terminal during the installation on my first try (between two steps, not during a step, I thing it was after step 2 or 3) so I went to Applications->Add/Remove then to Synaptic and vmware is not installed...

    So what should I do in order to install vmware plz?
    Thanks in advance
  2. Fintan

    Fintan New Member

    try. sudo ./ from a terminal within the file where your vmware resides. The installation process should see your previous installation and ask you to remove it. say yes to that and you should be on your way.

    Don't forget to install vmware player as well, otherwise using your virtual machine will be very slow.

    I hope that helps.

  3. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    I tried to type what you said and it didn't work :( I will explain in detail what I did and what I got:
    I unzipped the tar.gz file, entered the terminal, typed cd , I dragged in the terminal the folder that I unzipped and pressed enter. So Now I'm in the folder where is. I typed sudo ./ and got this message:
    "A previous installation of VMware software has been detected.

    The previous installation was made by the tar installer (version 3).

    Keeping the tar3 installer database format.

    Error: Unable to execute "/home/[myname]/Desktop/Ubuntu/vmware-server-distrib/


    Execution aborted."
    That's the message I fist got the first time the installation failed after I canceled the very first installation...Sorry if that sentence is not very clear :-S.
    Anyway that's what I did and what I got so if you have a clue about what's happening it would be nice if you could help me...again :rolleyes:
    And thanks a lot for the first answer!
  4. Fintan

    Fintan New Member

    HMMM... I have had that issue before and thought it would work for you.
    Sorry I quess you have an unfullfilled installation. Did you try doing a search in / for anything "vmware"?
    Try that and see if you can just delete those instances (except for the downloaded tar file). Then redo the unpacking and try again. This time open up a terminal from within the folder containing (rightclick from within that folder and choose actions->terminal) then do the sudo ./ bit again.

    If that doesen't work I would post a post on the ubuntu forum and the vmware forum.

    I hope that helps. Let me know what happens
  5. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    ok thanks to you I found a vmware folder in the /etc folder.
    Now, what I'm going to say will sound very noobish (and it is) so I'm sorry in advance. I tried to delete the folder but I can't because I don't have the "permission". I opened synaptic (because that's the only way I know to put my password so that I become root for a couple minutes :confused: ) and became root (or root friend :confused: ) but still don't have the permission...
    So how do I delete that file plz?
    This might actually work so thanks again! :)
  6. Fintan

    Fintan New Member

    Okay I am not ubuntu but a kubuntu user but this should work:
    pres Alt+F2 and at the promt type: gksudo nautilus, press enter and give your password. This should open nautilus in root mode. Navigate to the files you have searched for and found, you should also find a ./vmware folder in your /home/username folder. Delete them and then try again as proposed before.
    If That doesen't work try rightclicking on the file(s) in nautilus and choosing something like edit as root, then just delete it(them). As I said I don't know if that works in gnome (your desktop), it does in kde (mine).

    This a pain I know but learning is fun,:)
    Last edited: May 19, 2007
  7. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    I tried to do what you told me to but it didn't work. However I managed to delete the folder; the way I did it: I typed sudo rm -r /etc/vmware in a terminal and put my password and the folder disapeared :)
    Now, I tried to install vmware following the tutorial of the site but I typed sudo I got the message "sudo: command not found". Isn't there something missing in between the two words (sudo and like install or something like that?
    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  8. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    UP! please.
  9. Fintan

    Fintan New Member

    As I said I ma not a gnome user. happy you got rid of that folder. Did you also see a./vmaware folder in your /home/user? Get rid of that to if it exsists.

    You have to do:
    sudo ./
    you forgot the ./;)

    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  10. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    ok sudo ./ worked!
    I just Understood what "Choose defaults to questions until it asks:" meant, they could've add "simply by pressing enter". Now I'm officially an idiot but at least I understood how to install a program with the console, so I guess I'm ok with being an idiot :p
    Anyway thanks a lot for your help!
    But now I have another stupid question (sorry :-s): Can I run WinXP on a virtual desktop just by installing VMware Player? If the answer is yes then what does VMware Server do?
    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, if you already have a WinXP virtual machine.

    VMware Server lets you also create virtual machines. With VMware Player, you can only "play" existing virtual machines, but you cannot create virtual machines. With VMware Server, you can create and "play" virtual machines.
  12. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    Ok so imagine I just formatted my computer and installed WinXP on one HD and Ubuntu Feisty on another and there is nothing else installed on the computer apart from those two. If I just want to simply launch WinXP in a virtual desktop on Ubuntu, which VMware do you suggest me to install?
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It doesn't work like this. You cannot launch an OS that is installed on some drive as a virtual machine in VMware. You must launch VMware, and then you create a totally new virtual machine where you can install WinXP.
    But you could convert your WinXP instalation into a virtual machine and then start it in VMware:
  14. Professor_K

    Professor_K New Member

    OK now I understand. I have two more questions:
    1-Does this work if windows and linux are installed on two different HD
    2-If I boot in WinXP, modify a file, reboot in Linux run WinXP with VMware Server/Player, will the file modified?
  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


    No, unless you create a new vm with VMware Converter.

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