Few questions about Hostname and emails

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by vladoportos, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. vladoportos

    vladoportos New Member

    Hi all,

    I'm currently brand new to ISPConfig and I'm very happy with it but i have some questions.

    1. Is there any step-by-step guide how to configure one example domain + mail + sub domain + ftp ? I found one link here at forum but its not working that ftp any more...

    2. when i creating domain (i have DNS on another server ) there is a Host name and Domain option... Domain is ok ( something line bash.sk ) but what i should put into Host name ? i have there www now and everything is working fine...

    3. Here is bigger issue with mails... i created my domain, bancodata.eu, than under "User & Email" created new user so i can have ftp with my page..

    i put email like [email protected], username: web2_info, and setup password... now ftp is working fine, page also but not an email...

    I installed squirell mail to ISPConfig and i can log in by using whole email address " [email protected]" and pass for user web2_info, and also sen email from there, but i do not receiving any emails... also when i send mail from squirell mail it will come with From:[email protected] where thats come from ??

    I also cant log in by any mail client, the same username and password which is working for squirell its not working for email clients...

    What i thing is wrong is here:

    proteus:/var/log# cat /etc/postfix/virtusertable
    # ISPConfig virtusertable Configuration File
    #         Version 1.0
    [email protected]    web2_info
    [email protected]    web2_info
    [email protected]    web2_info
    [email protected]    web2_info
    [email protected]    web1_vladoportos
    [email protected]    web1_vladoportos
    [email protected]    web1_vladoportos
    [email protected]    web1_vladoportos
    info@    web1_vladoportos
    web1_vladoportos@    web1_vladoportos
    [email protected]    web3_nukleon1
    [email protected]    web3_nukleon1
    [email protected]    web3_nukleon1
    [email protected]    web3_nukleon1
    Why on earth is there "[email protected]" this cant be ok...

    Anybody faced the same issue ? or had any idea what im doing wrong ?

    I installed debian as by perfect debian setting (etch) or something like that i found here...

    Best regards
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) No.
    2) Yes, thats ok.
    3) Have a look at your /var/log/mail.log logfile and post the errors.

    No. Thats OK.

    You must et the sender address in the squirrelmail options.
  3. vladoportos

    vladoportos New Member

    Here is what I've got when i try to log in with Thunderbird: <---not working

    Login id: [email protected]
    Pass: password

    Jun  3 13:40:04 proteus pop3d-ssl: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun  3 13:40:07 proteus pop3d-ssl: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun  3 13:40:16 proteus pop3d-ssl: Disconnected, ip=[::ffff:]
    Here when i try to log in with squirell mail: <--- this one works

    Login id: [email protected]
    Pass: password

    Jun  3 13:40:39 proteus imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun  3 13:40:39 proteus imapd: LOGIN, user=web2_info, ip=[::ffff:], protocol=IMAP
    Jun  3 13:40:39 proteus imapd: LOGOUT, user=web2_info, ip=[::ffff:], headers=0, body=0, rcvd=61, sent=166, time=0

    This is when i send mail from free mail server: <--- works fine

    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/smtpd[5366]: 2A095A611: client=otrok.post.sk[]
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/cleanup[5370]: 2A095A611: message-id=<46629D1B.000001.07901@kamasutra>
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/qmgr[22150]: 2A095A611: from=<[email protected]>, size=684, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/smtpd[5366]: disconnect from otrok.post.sk[]
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/pickup[4994]: 362EEA91D: uid=10003 from=<web2_info>
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/cleanup[5370]: 362EEA91D: message-id=<[email protected]>
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/qmgr[22150]: 362EEA91D: from=<[email protected]>, size=372, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/local[5371]: 2A095A611: to=<[email protected]>, orig_to=<[email protected]>, relay=local, delay=0.07, de
    lays=0.02/0.01/0/0.04, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail -f-)
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/qmgr[22150]: 2A095A611: removed
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/local[5371]: 362EEA91D: to=<[email protected]>, relay=local, delay=0.04, delays=0.03/0/0/0.01,
    dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail -f-)
    Jun  3 13:44:54 proteus postfix/qmgr[22150]: 362EEA91D: removed
    So basically i can receive mails but cant connect to server by any pop3/imap clients....

    And last one is when i send mail from squirell: <--- works fine except when it come it show its from "[email protected]" which is no good

    un  3 13:47:47 proteus postfix/smtpd[5903]: connect from localhost[]
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus postfix/smtpd[5903]: 2A5C89DFE: client=localhost[]
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus postfix/cleanup[5906]: 2A5C89DFE: message-id=<[email protected]>
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus postfix/qmgr[22150]: 2A5C89DFE: from=<[email protected]>, size=662, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus postfix/smtpd[5903]: disconnect from localhost[]
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus imapd: LOGIN, user=web2_info, ip=[::ffff:], protocol=IMAP
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus imapd: LOGOUT, user=web2_info, ip=[::ffff:], headers=0, body=0, rcvd=40, sent=110, time=0
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus imapd: LOGIN, user=web2_info, ip=[::ffff:], protocol=IMAP
    Jun  3 13:47:47 proteus imapd: LOGOUT, user=web2_info, ip=[::ffff:], headers=0, body=0, rcvd=77, sent=418, time=0
    Jun  3 13:47:48 proteus postfix/smtp[5908]: 2A5C89DFE: to=<[email protected]>, relay=triton.domains.sk[]:25, delay=1.5, del
    ays=0.05/0.01/0.11/1.4, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 ok 1180871268 qp 29100)
    Jun  3 13:47:48 proteus postfix/qmgr[22150]: 2A5C89DFE: removed
    So as i see the problem is in login in it and i still cant get why it sending mail like "[email protected]" which should be automatically [email protected]

    ... any idea, how to fix it ?

    Thank you and best regards
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You used the wrong username in Thunderbird, the username is web2_info and not the email address.

    Please do what I posted above. Go to options in squirrelmail and set the sender address correctly.
  5. vladoportos

    vladoportos New Member

    I found it, you where right, its working fine all now. Thanks for help

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