Hey Forum, i just installed ispconfig and try to pepare it to get some old websites from an old server with confixx into the system. In the old system are a lot forwarded emails. Is there any way to insert emailadresses they only get forwarded to an external email adress? Without a localuser. If not is there any workaround to put the adresses and the forward target in a file which isn't overwritten by ispconfig? virtusertable of postfix? Thanks for help Yens
Thas not possible in ISPConfig 2. In ISPConfig 3 you are able to create forwarders without system users.
Thanks for the quick answer Till. So i have to look for something else. I have a setup with a lot of email forwarders here. Yens
You can try to accomplish this with Postfix transport. /etc/postfix/transport doesn't get overwritten by ISPConfig. See Code: man 5 transport