myDNS not installed correctly

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by rickardw, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. rickardw

    rickardw New Member


    I'm trying to get myDNS to work by following falkos great guide "Running A MySQL-Based DNS Server: MyDNS".

    But when I come to the part where you are supposed to create the tables in the mysql database I get:

    mydns: command not found

    I've checked /etc/init.d/mydns and it's not there. Something must have gone wrong with the installation. The only thing that differs from the howto in my installation is that when I apt-get mysql I don't find the "libmysqlclient12-dev" package and don't get to answer any questions.

    Thank you for your help!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you get any errors during MyDNS compilation?
    Which distribution do you use?
  3. rickardw

    rickardw New Member

    I use Debian Etch. When I just did the installation all over again it worked so maybee something just went wrong the first time.

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