ISPConfig 2.2.15 released

Discussion in 'General' started by till, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. vladoportos

    vladoportos New Member

    Perfect Job !

    Just upgraded from 2.2.14 to 2.2.15 on Debian etch, without a problem, many thanks
  2. omni

    omni New Member

    man, I have no idea how you guys pull it off but each upgrade is smoother, easier to install and makes ISPConfig just better and better!

    Absolutely flawless upgrade from .14 to .15 on an Ubuntu 6.06LTS system.

    Thanks again guys!
  3. llamy

    llamy New Member

    Just Upgrade

    I have Just Upgrade to ISPConfig 2.2.15 on Fedora core 6, and everything works fine, back to normal, now time to test it in deep. Really this is an unbelievable work you guys did out there. All the thanks. It's really great !!!

  4. 3cwired_com

    3cwired_com New Member

    I just did the upgrade and apparently it removed all of my webs created and so forth???? whats up with that, what do I do now to recover them. This isn't my first upgrade, its about the 2nd or 3rd??? the physical web files still exist, but I need to know how to re populate the information in ispconfig, and will me redoing this in ispconfig overwrite the files in the pre existing webs?

    btw, i chose the expert install option and disabled xml so that i would have been able to do the remote framework.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2007
  5. 3cwired_com

    3cwired_com New Member

    ok apparently something got messed up, but luckily i noticed that my db was still in tact. I did some hacking and tried another install (about 6 failed reinstalls later) and now my websites come back up, but I got some error msgs on my ssh screen about the install process.

    Is there a way I can re do the install process again to make sure everything is fine, using a differnet db name, my dbname currently is "ispconfig".

    Ok just checked, my webs load up, but my ispconfig page doesnt load up at all.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2007
  6. 3cwired_com

    3cwired_com New Member

    Of after another reinstall all is well.... all this for the remoting framework as I wsa trying to compile without the xml as I thought that was my problem. :eek:
  7. fordwrench

    fordwrench Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Upgraded to 2.2.15 and after a few days ispconfig crashes.
    rebooted server still not ispconfig login or roundcubemail on port 81

    any suggestions

    Ok I issued command /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server restart and it restarted. But how do I find why it went down?

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2007
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Have a look at the apache error login in /root/ispconfig/http/log/. Or maybe your server restarted and ISPConfig was not restarted automatically at boot time?
  9. fordwrench

    fordwrench Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Well I think it had to do with certs not being created properly.
    I read the install instructions again and recreated the certs.
    Just waiting to see if it goes down again.


  10. lrider

    lrider Member

    Update fails


    I followed the instructions to update my server from 2.2.11 to 2.2.15 and the following message is returned:

    [root@activa8 install_ispconfig]# ./setup
    RedHat Enterprise.0
    ERROR: Ihr Betriebssystem wird nicht unterstützt! / Your operating system is not supported! / Votre systeme d'exploitation n'est pas supporté!
    [root@activa8 install_ispconfig]#

    What can I do?

    Thank's in advance....Larry.
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    RHEL isn't supported by ISPConfig. You can modify /etc/redhat-release and put the identification of one of the supported systems in there (e.g. CentOS).
  12. lrider

    lrider Member

    This are the contents of the /etc/redhat-release file:

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 4)

    What text should I put on the file por the update to work?

  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Make a backup of /etc/redhat-release. Then edit the file /etc/redhat-release and replace the content with:

    CentOS release 5 (Final)

    Now update ISPConfig and when the update is finished, restore the original version of /etc/redhat-release

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