Uber Newb to DNS setups needs help

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by jimsmithkka, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. jimsmithkka

    jimsmithkka New Member

    I am an assistant in my organization IT department, and was to ld to make and setup a secondary DNS server, i do ot have access to the main server as of yet, but i don't believe that i need it to do this.

    I can't seem to find a how to on setting up a secondary DNS server with Fedora Core 7 that does not reqire changes on the main DNS server, i know the main is setup to update all slaves on it subnet, which my target setup is on , but when i do get the update to not throw errors, i get no entries in the zone file. I am certain that my named.conf is messed up.

    Are there any other settings from the default install on that i need to change/create in order to do this?

    This is my first attempt at any kind of DNS setup on this end (server) so i don't know much,

    The system is setup with a firewall that allows for updates on port 53, as well as my webmin, ssh, and VNC connections.

    Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2007
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. jimsmithkka

    jimsmithkka New Member

    I did look at that and it got me to the point of having no errors, but i still didn't get an update on the secondary. I think something is wrong with how i setup the named.conf file, and i will post what i did on Monday hen i can get back in to the machine (its at my office and i don't have clearance for weekends)
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are there any errors related to this on the logs on the master and the slave (e.g. the syslog)?
  5. jimsmithkka

    jimsmithkka New Member

    the erroe message i get now is:

    NDC command failed : rndc: connection to remote host closed This may indicate that * the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol, * this host is not authorized to connect, * the clocks are not syncronized, or * the key is invalid.

    before I was getting:

    "connection refused to #0.0.721"

    or something close to that, since then i have uninstalled and reinstalled the DNS software in my setup. The machine should have access to the server for update because the server is setup to allow from anything on the same subnet which my DNS is.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in named.conf on the master?
  7. jimsmithkka

    jimsmithkka New Member

    I don't have access to view it but i have been assured that it does allow access from its subnet, there are other secondaries setup that can access it on the sub.

    i don't think i can get a copy to put up here.

    here is the named.cof from my secondary (slave) that doesn't work.
    (edited for security resons, name replaced and ips changed to ###, but i do have the corect IP's, the name may be set wrong but i don't know.)

    options {
    directory "/etc";
    pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";
    allow-transfer {

    zone "pharmadesign.com" {
    type slave;
    file "sec.CONAME.com";
    masters {

    Also he server is ot a *nix box, or the dns software is proprietary and does not have a named.conf per say but some other file that as alot of code that i can't read properly with text edit or text wrangler.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2007
  8. thanis

    thanis New Member


    The solution to your problem is quite easy actually :p . No really, you need to add a prefix "slave/" to your zonefile !

    Your named.conf should look like this:
    options {
    directory "/etc";
    pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";
    allow-transfer {
    zone "pharmadesign.com" {
    type slave;
    file "[B]slave/[/B]sec.CONAME.com";
    masters {
    I had this issue myself a long while ago, when I did not add the "slave/" prefix I got permission errors in my logfile as well :)

    Kind regards & success,

    PS: I got this from: http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch6/#slave
  9. jimsmithkka

    jimsmithkka New Member

    thanks for the help.

    its to bad i can't implement it now, my boss has decided to have the machine used for network monitoring instead, so it ill no longer be a dns server. But now that i know that, the next time i am tasked with this kind of setup i may get a little further than before.

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