so try to login as admispconfig (maybe you need to change temporary the shell). Try newlist MyNewTestList. I would do the tests myself, but I don't have a Mandriva here, so you will have to help a little bit
the list is created. so i think, there is a problem in ispconfig code, where is the newlist command in code?
success... So i guess, the /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/classes/ispconfig_isp_list.lib.php didn't run, but i don't know, because in the log only the /root/ispconfig/scripts are logged (sorry my bad english)
that's really strange, try to add an echo on line 172 of /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/classes/ispconfig_isp_list.lib.php PHP: echo $results; what is the output when you create a new list?