Does ISPC use mod_php or php_cgi?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sykoi, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. Sykoi

    Sykoi New Member

    I'm currently looking for an alternative to cPanel, and self-ran hosting methods for multiple domains / users on a single server. Currently I'm running php_cgi + suphp, which is driving me insane as it breaks several scripts, certain mod_rewrites (For some odd reason), and I ... Just don't enjoy it.
    So in my search for something that allows for individual users to call forth php, I came across ISPConfig... However, I have a few questions:

    • Does it use mod_php or php_cgi?
    • Does the latest version of PHP 5 work properly under IPSConfig?
    • Do the users themselves run PHP, or does Apache? This was the problem that started my search... I have several domains on one box, under different users (For security reasons), and each of them has various things that require the user to run PHP rather than apache (Such as uploading)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) ISPConfig supports mod_php and suphp.
    2) Every PHP version > 3 is supported by ISPConfig and ebven php2 might work.
    3) That depends on your configuration. OSPConfig supports both. If you use mod_php, php is run under the apache user, if you use suphp, php is run as the website user.
  3. Sykoi

    Sykoi New Member

    Thanks for the quick reply
    So, if I run IPSConfig as mod_php, and run several domains on several different users/accounts - anything I upload will be owned by apache and can't be accessed by the user that uploaded it...?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes. And thats always the case when you use mod_php, that does not depend on the controlpanel you use. mod_php is not able to run processes under other user ID's then the user of the webserver.
  5. Sykoi

    Sykoi New Member

    I figured, however what I mean is - does IPSConfig change the owner to the user who called it, or is it left inaccessible by the user?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    How do you thin that this shall work? Shall ISPConfig check every minute if anyone uploaded any file on the server? Thats impossible without getting load problems. If you have a server with 100 GB of data and ispconfig shall scan 100GB every minute if the file owner of a file has changed?
  7. Sykoi

    Sykoi New Member

    I was just asking a question, thats all. cPanel is somehow capable of this without running php as php_cgi, so I had figured IPSConfig did as well.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe the system used suPHP.

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