Use ISPconfig only for filter spams and viruses

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by guido.marangoni, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. guido.marangoni

    guido.marangoni New Member

    I'm sorry for my English! :)
    I use ISPconfig and I'm very very happy (thank you so much Falko for "perfect setup" ;) )
    For some domains I want to use ISPconfig only for filter spams and viruses.
    Is it possible to configure ISPconfig for recive all emails for domain, but relay to another email server
    Thank you very much!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. guido.marangoni

    guido.marangoni New Member

    Thank you Till!
    But, is it possible in ISPconfig 2 with hand configuration?
    Or you suggest use ISPconfig 3 in production? :confused:
    When the ISPconfig 3 final release?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. The spam scanning is invoced by procmail recipes and this does not work for forwarded domains.

    If you use just the email part of ISPConfig 3 for your forwarded domain on a separate server or vserver, it might be stable enough for this purpose as ISPConfig just writes the settings for postfix, spamassassin and amavisd to a mysql database and this workd already well.

    Just try it if and see if it works for you. In the dev forum is a download link for a vmware image that you can use to test it on any windows / linux workstation or server.

    I expect it to be ready t the end of the year.

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