roundcubemail rejecting login

Discussion in 'General' started by grandpagenocide, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    ok, i try loging into the mail through roundcube, login rejected, but can login fine through uebimiau. any ideas?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I haven't used RoundCube yet, but I assume that you must use the username (e.g. web1_someuser) to log in, whereas Uebimiau was patched by us so that you can use the email address to log in (the email address will then be mapped to the username internally).
  3. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    figured it out with roundcube if you dont log out and just x out the window you have to clear the cache... but thanks
  4. tchiboo

    tchiboo New Member

    Same problem


    I have the same problem, since I installed the new package rounde cube package.

    Any idea ?
  5. tchiboo

    tchiboo New Member

    Here is the error I have

    DB Error in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/include/ (505): DB Error: unknown error Query: 11 ** INSERT INTO session (sess_id, vars, ip, created, changed) VALUES ('72b229b909d7a8c683f6c5cc789ad340', 'user_lang|s:2:"fr";auth_time|i:1188845233;temp|b:1;task|s:4:"mail";', '', now(), now()) [nativecode=sqlite_query() [function.sqlite-query]: database disk image is malformed]
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There seems to be something wrong with SQLite. :confused:
  7. tchiboo

    tchiboo New Member



    Ok, but what should I do ?

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please have a look here:

  9. tchiboo

    tchiboo New Member

    Better, but still problematic


    I did the update. Yet I type my login and password, I click OK, then I have to refresh (F5) once or twice and it works.

    After several secondes I am shooted.

    Why ?
  10. tchiboo

    tchiboo New Member

    Still same error


    after updating my db (sqlite) I still have the same error message.

    What's up ?

  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I recommenfd that you ask the roundcube developers on how to upgrade their SQLite database correctly.
  12. tchiboo

    tchiboo New Member

    Seems to work


    It seems to work yet.

    I have deleted a file called main and the ran the sqlite.initial.sql file

    Then I 've rebooted ISPconfig.

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