ISPConfig 2.2.17 is available for download

Discussion in 'General' started by till, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This ISPConfig release adds support for Mandriva 2008 and updates the
    Apache for the control panel on port 81 to 1.3.39, mod_ssl to
    2.8.30-1.3.39 and PHP to 5.2.4. Several bugs were fixed.

    Detailed Changelog

    - Update: Apache to 1.3.39
    - Update: mod_ssl to 2.8.30-1.3.39
    - Update: PHP to 5.2.4
    - Update: Spamassassin to 3.2.3
    - Added: Installer checks if the installation is run from within
    /root/ispconfig or /home/admispconfig; if so, the installation aborts with an
    error message telling the user to install from another directory.
    - Added: Support for Mandriva 2008.0.
    - Bugfix: Symlink .user_prefs file to .spamassassin/user_prefs
    - Bugfix: Updated Chroot creation script.
    - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that allows users to create subdomains of domains
    that belong to another customer.
    - Bugfix: Added better domain and admin email check in dns manager.
    - Bugfix: Added better domain check for websites.
    - Bugfix: Do not allow IP in DNS-Manager.
    - Bugfix: OpenSSL 0.9.8e throws errors like "./support/ line
    140: 18036 Illegal instruction $openssl genrsa -rand $randfiles -out $sslkeydir/ca.key 1024"
    during "make certificate TYPE=custom", therefore we use OpenSSL 0.9.7m now.



    Installation Instructions

    Download the ISPConfig-2.2.17.tar.gz from

    Installation on the shell as root user:

    tar xvfz ISPConfig-2.2.17.tar.gz
    cd install_ispconfig

    The installer automatically detects the installed ISPConfig version and
    performs an update.
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Report: ISPConfig 2.2.17 successfully installed

    Dear Till,

    I want you to know that i have installed ISPConfig 2.2.17 stable on my productionservers Debian Etch, 32 & 64 bit.

    Thanks for doing this nice job!
  3. the_spy

    the_spy New Member

    Upgraded on Debian Etch, thanks
  4. erebus

    erebus New Member

    Upgraded smoothly on CentOS 4.5.

    Thank you!
  5. spuppy

    spuppy New Member

    Is there supposed to be a message anywhere telling us that ths is an upgrade, and not a full install? So far I am seeing a hell of a lot of compiling, but no indication of whether it's just an upgrade...

    EDIT: Upgrade just completed on its own. Good thing! Thanks :)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007
  6. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    afair the upate / install message appears in the next lines directly after checkgin the server's OS version...
  7. the_spy

    the_spy New Member

    just at the start of the setup
  8. rachel

    rachel New Member

    Upgraded smoothly on Gentoo 2007.0 test system; patch script in my howto applied correctly without changes. Now modifying the howto to make this the default version it knows about...
  9. rachel

    rachel New Member

    Also upgraded smoothly on live Ubuntu Server Feisty.
  10. omni

    omni New Member

    As always, update went smooth on my 32bit i686 Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS machine.

    Thank you.
  11. Martin1982

    Martin1982 New Member

    I upgraded from an early version (2.2.13) and to my surprise I didn't even have to fill out the certificate stuff anymore. Everything is running as smooth as before.
    I'm using ISPConfig for over a year now and I still think it's the finest alternative to all those expensive hosting panels out there!
  12. madmucho

    madmucho Member HowtoForge Supporter

  13. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    I'm at the moment about 12.000 KM from my servers (Debian Etch), and just did the updates with no problem.

    This must be a long distance record for updating an ISPconfig server :)
  14. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    I think your server has a very long UTP-cable isn't it :D
  15. punto

    punto New Member

    Thank you for the new release, upgraded two live servers without a problem :)
  16. daveb

    daveb Member

    Upgrade went smooth as usual. Thanks as always.

    I do have a question and been looking for answer for a few days using the site search cause I have seen it before but no luck so. what is the space requirement for the compilation of ispconfig?
  17. z400

    z400 New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    On my Debian 3.1 the install (like the four updates before) works
    perfect. No Errormessages or something like that.

    I say thank you (!) for your very very great job!:)
  18. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Yes it does :) I was going to do it from the plain at +30.000 feet, but my laptop's battery was empty :/
  19. samuch

    samuch New Member

    When attempting to upgrade on SuSE 10.2 from 2.2.13 I get the following:

    ERROR: MySQL is not running! Please start your MySQL database and run the ISPConfig setup again.

    I have verified that mysql is up and running fine.
  20. samuch

    samuch New Member

    For some reason running the script once more worked. Please disregard previous post.


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