I would love to change the login shell on the host (unchrooted) from /bin/bash to something else before the user is jailed into their own directory. (/etc/passwd) I would also love to change the chrooted user's default shell to something else. (/var/www/[domain]/etc/passwd) I can do both of these things manually but I find out when I do, ispconfig reverts back to its defaults thus leaving any user with the special chrooted system inoperable. Is there a way to change the default settings in the first place in the config files? I am very perplexed after many days of trying this on my own. Thanks for any help. -Adam
Have a look at the file /root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/config.lib.php around line 601 (user_insert function) and line 794 (user_update function). You might also have to modify the script /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/create_chroot_env.sh
Ummmm... After looking at the files esp: /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/create_chroot_env.sh I noticed my changes I made to the file have been overwritten when I made an upgraded to the latest version. Will upgrades always overwrite scripts and changes I have made? I am not happy for I added applications to the 'APPS' arg. Will these changes I make again be lost in the next upgrade? -Adam
Thank you for the link. I am using something close to that called jail kit which works pretty much on the same idea but I am glad there are others like jail kit instead of altering ssh code. (http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/howtos_ssh_only.html) I wonder though if speed and security are the same with mysecureshell and jail kit as to ssh. -Adam
That is a shame. Makes more work for someone in the end. At lease one can make a list of the changes and write a script to change them after an upgrade. -Adam
Can you tell me how a software shall update itself when no file can be changed? Thats is just impossible.