ISPConfig on Strato VPS

Discussion in 'General' started by MarkX, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. MarkX

    MarkX New Member

    Dear HowToForge,

    I saw the HowTo about installing ISPConfig on a Strato dedicated server, but I'm not sure if I can install ISPConfig on a Strato Virtual Private Server.

    Do you guys know? Or there things in the howto that cannot work on a VPS?

    Thanks in advantage!
  2. Edi

    Edi Member


    I am using ISPConfig on the smallest Strato Virtual Server with SUSE only for Emails.
    ISPConfig ist working without Problems.

  3. MarkX

    MarkX New Member


    But, Since it's not a full dedicated.. I don't know if Quota's will work. How can I find out? And will the fstab on the howto work?

    Greetings, and thanks!
    BTW: I'm having Debian 3.1 on my VPS..
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Just try it. If the quotacheck/quotaon commands don't give you errors, it works. If they give you errors, just undo your changes to /etc/fstab.

    That's just an example. You must take your own /etc/fstab and add ,usrquota,grpquota to the appropriate partition. Don't copy the fstab from the tutorial!

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