You will have to start with an existing anguage pack, e.g english (en). If you want to build e.g a finnish translation, make a copy of all en.lng files above the directory: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/ and name the files fi.lng. Then translate the contents. Only the string on the right side of the "=" of course ;-)
after that the language fl with come to a option in tools--language ? and i haven't found any lang file in that directory
Yes. They are not IN the directory, there are in many directories above this path! run: locate en.lng to get a listing of all english language files.
not really . i have create cn.lng in that directories. but i can 't find the option cn in tools --language. what is the more steps to make the new cn.lang can be displayed in tools---language???
There are no more steps, but you have not created all lng files. You missed the master language file: /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/lang/cn.lng
yeah. i missed that file in isp . and now it works . but most parts of gui works fine .but some displayed mess. such as first line and the text under the button . where i can modified it ?
yes i know all the text are in lang file except the button and the first line text displayed mass , i don'know why ,but the other works fine. see this jpg