Howto Track Alive IPs?

Discussion in 'General' started by andcar, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. andcar

    andcar New Member

    Hi all,
    could someone tell me if there is a tool or a method to track the IPs that are alive or not?
    I mean, I'm using DNS manager in ispconfig to add IPs to the DNS i think that during the years, some IPs went lost with their PC. I'm trying to identify them to delete and eventually reassign them to other new and working PCs.
  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    that depends on how you define an IP to be alive.
    If you define replying to a ping as alive then do this, otherweise you have to e.g. check other ports to be open.
  3. andcar

    andcar New Member

    I mean if it does traffic or not...If someone has the firewall active and so not respond to ping requests, it does not mean it's a dead IP. Something that could track the packets? I don't have any idea on howto do it..
  4. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    The do it on the gateway, routing the clients packet's in the internet.
  5. andcar

    andcar New Member

    I'm on the DNS server, not on the gateway and I can't access the gateway. Could you please point me out to some tools usefull for me (under linux).
  6. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    well if you are on the dns server, then just run

    tcpdump dst port 53 -w /tmp/yourdump.dmp

    and view that with wireshark. It will track all incoming DNS-Request packets. So you could say every machine communicating to the internet will ask you server. but you won't be able to know which amount of traffic which IP produced.
  7. andcar

    andcar New Member

    Thanks a lot.....really!!

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