ISPConfig crash

Discussion in 'General' started by DrAgOOn, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. DrAgOOn

    DrAgOOn New Member

    Looking through the forum, I haven't read any threads about other experiencing the problem I'm having. Unless I missed it somehow.

    Anyway, the installation on Mandrake 10.2 went great. Got into the control panel on port 81 fine, etc, etc... But the problem I'm experiencing is while I'm in the cp on port 81 it crashes after awhile. The service like shuts down and I have to restart it again. Anyone experience this problem and know a fix or maybe able to tell me whats happening, I'm clueless.

    Also, simple question here... since the install of ISPConfig, my main apache lost the ability to parse PHP files, etc. I know the configuration changed this, but just wondering what is the recommended method for getting this back on the main sites located in the main apache root in Mandrake (/var/www/html/)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you re enable PHP in your apache main configuration, ISPConfig will not be able to control PHP scripts in the vhosts. In an hosting enviroment you normally dont have any websites in the main apache outside the controlpanel.
  3. DrAgOOn

    DrAgOOn New Member

    Thanks for the fast responses, not sure how I missed that thread, if its the same problem. I will be testing that out right away.

    I was wondering about the main apache in (/var/www/html) as the main site is currently hosted there, and would like to keep it separate from the remaining system setup.

    tnx for the assistance, very much appriciated :)
  4. DrAgOOn

    DrAgOOn New Member

    Took me a bit to determine what my problem was on the shutdown issue. Thanks for the link; gave me a starting point. Appears it was a router issue, added the hostname and everything is working fine.

    However, I would still like to use /var/www/html/ for the providing main site. And using ISPConfig for all hosted sites... any htaccess trick I can do? Just curious. Tomcast is setup on the server as well already configured for this location. Unless, there is a way to integrate Tomcat with ISPConfig?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2005
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You could create a virtual host for /var/www/html, like the ones created by ISPConfig. Just copy one of the vhost records to your main httpd.conf, adjust it to /var/www/html and restart Apache.

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