I have tried to install ISPConfig on Linux/Debian (Ubuntu) and I continually get stopage of the installation for the following: ---------------------------------- ./configure:Error: APACI failed ERROR: Could not configure Apache cd: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/aps.tar.gz': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/spamassassin.tar.gz': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/uudeview.tar.gz': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/clamav.tar.gz': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/cronolog': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/cronosplit': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/ispconfig_tcpserver': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/zip': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `binaries/unzip': No such file or directory tar: spamassassin.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors mv: cannot stat `spamassassin': No such file or directory tar: uudeview.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors mv: cannot stat `uudeview': No such file or directory tar: clamav.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors mv: cannot stat `clamav': No such file or directory tar: aps.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors ./setup2: line 873: ispconfig_tmp/php/bin/php: No such file or directory ERROR: The PHP binary coming with ISPConfig does not work properly on your system! The installation routine stops here! ----------------------------------- I have PHP already installed in addition to all other required modules. I do not understand why install halts here every time? Any insight anyone? Thanks.
Did you follow the perfect setup guide for ubuntu to prepare your server for the ISPConfig installation?
I did follow the "How To" and set-up my server in that way. I gathered all the necessary packages and everything is set-up. I read some similar posts which indicate it may be hardware/memory related, but I have more than enough memory. At the end, or at least where the installation terminates, it reads that php that came with ISPConfig cannot be built, however, PHP is already installed. The only thing I can think of at this point is to uninstall PHP and try to let the install do it - perhaps there is a conflict??? I'm not sure.
Interestingly similar to this thread which seems to have died in mid-stream... http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16176
Don't do this. ISPConfig comes with its own PHP, but it's only for ISPConfig itself, not for the rest of the system. If you want to host PHP web sites, you still need the "regular" PHP.
Thanks for the heads-up on PHP. I didn't realize ISPConfig uses a seperate instance of PHP internally. I ended-up pulling a new drive and starting clean install of Ubuntu Server 7.10 once again and again following the "Perfect Set-up" How-To. Install went as expected. The only deviation I made following successful installation was to install/add the Ubuntu-Desktop environment. Anyhow, this time I get the ISPConfig to install entirely, however when I go to https://www.mysite.com:81 as directed, I am not able to get in. The problem is that my SSL certificate has an "invalid signature," which I'm now trying to troubleshoot. Anyone know how to remedy this "invalid signature?" Thanks alot.
Please Help! I ran thru the installtion of ISPConfig again from scratch in an effort to remedy the previous issue when getting "invalid signature,"however when I did I was never prompted again with questions regarding the Custom SSL Cert. I still get same "invalid signature" when trying to open ISPConfig via browser at https://www.mysite.com:81 Very frustrating. I don't know where to go from here. Thanks for any help.
Thanks Thanks again for the help Till. When I got your last post I had already begun a fresh install. I aparently have time on my hands. I have to since I'm not too savvy at the command line. That day will come. I've decided that I don't really need to run ISPConfig locally on an SSL port. I'll condider this later when I engage in remote management. For now all ISPConfig traffic will be local network, plus I'll need to drop another NIC and route/isolate traffic accordingly since I can't run SSL on both web server (80/443) and ISPConfig (81) simultaneaously. On my fresh install I will pay closer attention to accepting defaults for SSL, otherwise I'll use the commands provided via the link you posted.