FreeRadius Server Setup Help Needed

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by jtan82, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. jtan82

    jtan82 New Member

    Hi, i'm currently doing a project which requires me to setup a server on a linux platform.I have setup a computer with a linux OS (FC5).Have installed Radius to it but I realise that i need a user database to help do AAA. Authentication is very important to me because i will only allow certain people to gain access to my network.

    Problem is I really know nuts about it.If i'm not wrong from the research that i did, i'm able to setup a user database using radius itself.(correct me if i'm wrong). Can someone give me some guidance of how to go about it. Detailed steps will be appreciated.

    how i install it.
    3)su (switch to root user)
    4)make install
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. jtan82

    jtan82 New Member

    Hi falko, i have been to the link before while doing my research. But to my knowledge it seems to me the XSupplicant must be installed onto a linux OS client. As windows is more commonly used, my project will then be cater got window client.(my server is a linux OS)

    Is there anyway u can help me out?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Unfortunately I have no experience with FreeRadius...
  5. ghalban

    ghalban New Member

    me too, I had tried installing it many times, I am expecting a working config files for freeradius this week, if it worked with me, I promise to contribute a howto about it here ...

    thank you

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