Apr 18, 2005
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Lüneburg, Germany

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Super Moderator, Male, from Lüneburg, Germany

Staff Member ISPConfig Developer
    1. BayramGrbz45
      Good morning Till, I beg your pardon disturbing you today but I'm facing some problem on my ISPConfig.
      Dec 25 15:26:56 isp04 postfix/proxymap[105486]: fatal: bad string length 0 < 1: \/etc\/postfix/mysql-verify_recipients.cf_dbname =
      1. Th0m
        You can create a post in the forum.
        Dec 26, 2020
        BayramGrbz45 likes this.
      2. BayramGrbz45
    2. Davide Gasparin
      Davide Gasparin
      Good morning Till, I beg your pardon disturbing you today but I'm facing some problem on my ISPConfig 3.1.15p3. I'm trying to add multiple Static IP address following System/IP Addresses, but the addresses are unreachable. How can I solve this pleaese?
      Thank you so much for your help
    3. Maik Kramer
      Maik Kramer
      Hello Till, Thank you. Please just delete my last post and I will ask again in the Forum. Sorry, my mistake.
    4. Valeria Ferriera
      Valeria Ferriera
      PLEASE----PLEASE.... Can I install websites using ISPconfig without a Static IP --- I have installed the system on my local machine... THANK YOU very much-------
    5. stefano.b
    6. fisherofer
      hey can i ask how to post new question for ispconfig 3
      1. till
        Go to the sub-forum where you want to make a post and there click on the 'Post new Thread' button.
        Aug 25, 2020
    7. denis.siegato
      Hi, can you help me with my vps postfix/dovecot configuration?
      it works but i cant send email to outside domains..

      i can send from internal domain to internal domain and recieve from outside domain to local domain but i cant send from local to external
      1. till
        Please post your questions in the ISPConfig support forum directly.
        Aug 4, 2020
    8. Nakamuta
    9. Sarhan
      Late happy birthday :)
    10. jnsc
      Happy Brithday till
      1. till likes this.
      2. till
        Thanks! :)
        May 15, 2020
    11. Keith Shepherd
      Keith Shepherd
      I'm a noobie using Ubuntu 18.04 and ISPConfig Version: 3.1.15p3 on a dedicated server

      I'm having problems sending/receiving email using postfix and dovecot.

      I'm not sure if this is the correct way to ask for help.

      1. Th0m
        Create a new post on the forum, so all the community members can help you.
        May 5, 2020
    12. KC.
      I am helping someone migrate from to 3.1.15p3 and running into issues with the pages not loading or needing to click multiple times to save changes. I need help and "willing to pay" for someone to look at them. Is this something that you can assist with? Need help urgently!!!!
      1. till
        Apr 23, 2020
      2. KC.
        I already reached out to him but haven't got any response back, which is why I am reaching out to you. Is there anyone else that you think might be able to assist? I need help urgently.
        Apr 23, 2020
    13. AfrodCZ
      Hi everyone,
      I have a problem. First problem is my English ( I am so sorry). I have installed ISPC3 and I have a client sazeni-online this client find your website on the ascensionrodcompany com . After my check server Debian 9 ver. 4.9.144-3.1 and after check php files website sazeni-online , I didn't find any assault. So I ask where I should look for a problem, because I really don't know anymore.
      1. till
        Please post support questions in the forum directly.
        Apr 21, 2020
    14. dampel
      Last news is not working in the ISPconfig. ispconfig.org was not available today.
    15. Bharath Raj
      Bharath Raj
      ISPConfig not working after fresh install in AWS lightsail. I tried to open a thread but I am not meeting the basic requirement to start a thread. I have netstat -tap result, iptables -L result, htf_report.txt. I coudn't get proper resource to solve my problem. I am trying this installation for past five days. Hindly help me.
      1. till
        Just don't add links or email addresses to your post when creating a new thread. New users may not add links or email addresses to posts until they reach 3 posts to prevent spam.
        Apr 7, 2020
        Bharath Raj and AfrodCZ like this.
    16. whitecode
      Hi Till!
      Nice to meet you. I use Ispconfig from 2 years. It's a great software.
      1. till likes this.
    17. yordanov
      Hi till,
      regarding ISPConfig - firstly, thank you for the great software you've created! One question - if I need to change the database root password, how do I make the ISPConfig again fully functional? I've changed the password in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf, but unfortunately it doesn't help. I'm using the latest stable version.
      Thank you!
    18. willeballz
      looking at setting up and hosting my own mail server using and exchange just became a pain. My question is once i have ispconfig3 running on ubuntu 1804 running and roundcube operating locally, ON VMware, how do i get it to talk to my domain name on godaddy, the tutorial you have for this im not understanding it to well, can you please help.
    19. SamTzu
      Help I'm blind :) I thought I would write a tutorial since it's been like 10 years since I wrote my last 1 but I can't seem to find the link where to submit it.
      1. till likes this.
      2. till
        Aug 19, 2019
      3. SamTzu
        I did try that but it did not let me register because I'm all-ready registered with my email address.
        Aug 20, 2019
      4. till
        Please logout from the forum and then login again, you should be able to use the author account area then. You have an active author account, so no registration required.
        Aug 21, 2019
    20. buhler
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    Lüneburg, Germany


    Till Brehm
    Get ISPConfig support and the ISPConfig 3 manual from ispconfig.org.
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