Tom Dings
New Member, Male, 50, from Suriname & Curacao
After a long period finally back and continuing my hobby. Especially the one related to IspConfig. Like to know everything what happened! May 27, 2019
- Tom Dings was last seen:
- May 27, 2019
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Important to know : mySocialFeeds is not a commercial company! It is just my personal hobby to create awesome Rss Feeds and all kinds of related services to help you using the Rss Feeds. There are no other people in a fancy office, big cars, free coffee, and way too many computer equipment to create online content. It is just me, my laptop and a head with too many ideas. One of the things I hate is handling tasks over and over again by hand and so I am automating all things to be able to spent as much as possible time building new features and helping people to provide support. To give you an idea how the - Social Platform - is created : At this moment all services are served from 4,829 Dedicated, Colocated and Virtual Private Servers. The platform is checking average system loads and will fully automatically order, install, configure and even cancel servers when it is needed. 31 different Hosting Providers are contracted and helping to keep things up-and-running. [Soon I will explain how I was able to built this platform with details.] For now I hope you got an ‘idea’ about some details ... More information will follow soon!Interact
- Skype:
- tdings74
- Facebook:
- tdings74
- Twitter:
- tdings74
Integrated MainWp into IspConfig3 to be able to maintain all blogs from a single location. Not completely done but most features are working already!