2 MTA using the same Virtusertable???

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by mccyberix, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. mccyberix

    mccyberix Member

    I have two MTA’s running Postfix, the first is configured as an Antispam/Antivirus Gateway reffered on the „Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier And MySQL (etch)“ HowTo. The second MTA is also running Postfix with an ISPConfig installation but uses „virtusertable“ for lookup. My question, is it possible to configure the first MTA to use the same „virtusertable“ on the second MTA. Because now when I add a Mailbox over the ISPConfig I must also separately add it to the MySQL Table which is used by the first MTA for lookups. I want that the Mailgateway automaticly accept and vorward the Emails to the Primary MTA after adding a Mailbox over ISPConfig.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I think there should be no problem if two postfix instances are using the same virtusertable file.
  3. mccyberix

    mccyberix Member

    Thanks Till but can you give me a hint how to point the virtusertable to another box. I mean which syntax i have to use e.g.
    in the main.cf
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. mccyberix

    mccyberix Member

    thanks falko, that was one of my ideas but i wasn't shure if is the right way.
  6. mccyberix

    mccyberix Member

    Ok one thing solved the next coms up, My Mailgateway forwards mails to a Postfix/ISPConfig MTA but also to an Exchange MTA that means there are no Exchange users in the 'virtusertable'. Shuld I put them to the 'virtusertable' or is there a better way to do so? At the moment I have a MySQL table for the Exchange users, is it maybe possible to use both MySQL lookups and the 'virtusertable'?
    Thanks a lot!!!

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