2.PC conn.to 1.Wired.Router wants.remote.desktop

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by jsabarese, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. jsabarese

    jsabarese New Member

    In short, I simply would like to copy / read files from the system down the hall. I do not need to have any kind of "Remote Desktop" functionality, (though i am not in opposition to that approach it if it's not a huge complicated procedure, I will be content with the former). One remarkable characteristic here is that both systems are running Linux w/ an XP Slave drive, and both are able to read the NTFS files slaved there ( /mnt/windows/ on both Fedora systems). see very bottom of this post for the KDE System Messages i'm receiving if you want to skip the details in the middle.

    There are two fully functional PC's in this home. In the past, using another OS on each system, I established what that OS (XP) called a "Home Network". that "XP Home Network" configuration, allowed me to utilize my separate PC's quite like the name suggests, for copying or reading files-- no matter which PC i was 'logged into', i was able to see and use the "remote" PC's files.
    both before and after the HomeNetworking configuration would be enabled, either PC would be uniquely capable of connecting to the ISP via the existing Cable Modem interface. Enabling that HomeNetwork required NO hardware mods, nor was i required to re-configure any of the Networking cables-- a mere software configuration seemed to be all that was necessary (though i believe both OS's required action for the singular HomeNetwork to be established).

    the HomeNetwork existed as follows: the Ethernet port from [System.1] remained connected (via CAT-5 cable) into "PC.Out.1" of [Router.Base] while "PC.Out.2" of [Router.Base] also connected via network cable to a second PC, [System.2]
    Heretofore, the [Router.Base] provided only INBOUND and OUTBOUND "Internet" traffic to each PC, separately-- on an individual basis. [System.1] can not communicate with [System.2] unless the "HomeNetworking" function is enabled.

    My hardware configuration remains-- only my OS has changed.
    I'm confident that I will be able to establish a functionally similar setup using my Fedora Core 5 system, but I do not know how to do it. In experimenting with setting up a Linux / Fedora version of what i experienced with the "XP Home Network", thus far I receive a System message that "...the Lisa daemon is not running, and in order to use the LAN Browser, the Lisa daemon must be installed and Activated by the System Administror...", or that "...[KDE] was built without Zeroconf support...", and the Samba folder shows empty (at least w/ my UserId (vs Root)).

    sorry if i made it more complicated than it needed to be!... i just wanted to make sure any readers know precisely what's going on. thanks for reading. i look forward to your advice.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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