Prepare the Slave Server

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by jaypabs, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    In ISPConfig 3 manual, it says under Prepare the Slave Server "Do not install ISPConfig on server2 yet". But how can you do this if you are using ISPConfig 3 Auto Installer?

    Is it possible to install Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, etc using Auto installer but not the UI that creates dbispconfig2 (for slave or another master server).

    If not, I hope there's tutorial like before called something like "The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 22.04 (Nginx, MySQL, PHP, Postfix, BIND, Dovecot, Pure-FTPD and ISPConfig 3.1)"
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    That tutorial is for newly installed server only. I have an existing server which I want to synchronize all the database to the newly created server. I have followed that tutorial but it did not copy the database from existing server.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no tutorial about syncing existing databases, this is more a maintenance topic and not about ISPConfig installation so not related to perfect server guides that you mentioned in your first post. To sync mysql databases between servers, you must dump them using e.g. mysqldump command and then import them on the new server using mysql command, that's not a task ISPConfig can do for you as iSPConfig is a Hosting Control panel, so it manages config files for your systems, it is not a database content replication (as that#s built into the database engine from MySQL/MariaDB) and not done by external software.
  5. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    All I want is to avail the ISPConfig 3 Auto Installer. So it will install all web server, database server, PHP among others but don't install the ISPConfig 3 database.
    BTW, is it possible to use the auto installer then uninstall only the ISPConfig 3? Leaving Nginx, MySQL, PHP, etc?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which makes no sense as long as you don't plan to stop using ISPConfig.
    No, the auto-installer does exactly the same that the perfect server does, and you can tell the auto-installer in detail which services it shall install and configure. You asked for the perfect server guide for Ubuntu 22.04, and that's the auto-installer, the difference between the old perfect server guides and the auto-installer is that is saves you time as it runs the exact commands from the perfect server guide for you so you don't have to copy them one after another manually, the result is exactly the same. I recommend you should really read the guides in the links I posted above.

    Makes no sense at all, but yes, if you want to have a bunch of packages thrown to your system without getting a properly configured working end result, then you can do that by interrupting the auto installer when it starts installing ISPConfig.
  7. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    I don't think you understand me.
    Since I have an existing database from server 1, I will dump all these databases to the newly created server. In which the ISPConfig 3 database will be overwritten. So it doesn't make sense to install this database when it can be overwritten.
    If it's not possible to uninstall ISPConfig 3, can I just overwrite the ISPConfig 3 database when dumping the databases from server 1? Then install ISPConfig 3 again so that this newly created server can be mirrored on the 1st server?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And that's where you are wrong. You must install ISPConfg first. otherwise, you have a nonfunctional system, no matter, if you copy the ISPConfig database later or not plus, the system, would not be connected to your master if you do not install it as a slave system, and also the system would get a wrong server_id which would make it impossible to work with your master.

    It makes no sense and will not work anyway. See post #4, you copy over databases using mysqldump and mysql command, this is not related to ISPConfig installation at all.

    maybe you should consider contacting @Th0m from ISPConfig business support here https://www.ispconfig.org/get-support/?type=ispconfig and ask him for a quote to set this up for you.
  9. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    Then if I install ISPConfig first, how can you dump the database from existing server without overwriting the database in the newly created server?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you want to replace a database on a server, you must overwrite it. You can not replace something without changing the thing that shall be replaced. And before replacing something its always wise to take backups in case you are not satisfied with what you did, then you can restore the backup and do it again. And if you mean that the second server shall get a different database name like dbispconfig2 while you want to have dbispconfig copied from the first server, then you choose that database name at install time by using expert mode. You should look at the links I posted on how to set up ISPConfig systems. They show the command line options of the installer and also how to set up multiserver systems.
  11. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    Now, since dbispconfig2 is created, can I just backup this and restore it after dumping the database from server 1?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You still don't seem to understand what this is all about with the databases. I'm sorry, but I don't think you will be able to do this successfully. This is an advanced topic that requires an experienced admin to extend an existing system with a mirror, you need a good understanding of MySQL, its mirroring capabilities and how to manage and resync it, and the way how ISPConfig works and uses its databases to do this.
  13. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    Sorry for the confusion.
  14. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    I already fix the issue. I thought when I dump the database from server 1 to the new server, all the database will be overwritten including dbispconfig2.
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