I need to automate the creation of resellers (and possibly clients under the main login for admin) in ISPConfig from our CRM software. I am guessing that I need to create a record for the reseller (or client) in the SQL database and then the ispconfig service will take it from there. Am I correct in my assumtion? What table to I need to add the record to and are there particular values I need to also set in specific fields that'll then trigger the ispconfig service to create the neccessary users, directories, etc? Chris
If you want to create a reseller manually in the database you will have to add records to the tables: isp_nodes, isp_isp_reseller, sys_nodes and sys_user. For a client records has to be added to the tables isp_nodes, isp_dep, isp_isp_kunde, sys_nodes and sys_user. If the records have to be written to config files (like isp_isp_web, isp_isp_user) there is a field "status" that has to be set to "n" for new records and "u" for updated records. There is an extension to add Resellers, Clients webs, Co-Domains, DNS-Records etc. with SOAP remote calls from external applications for 42goISP.