403 Access Forbidden Error on ISPConfig, phpmyadmin

Discussion in 'General' started by insideoutsolutions, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. insideoutsolutions

    insideoutsolutions New Member

    I was trying to solve a problem with 40 second timeout 500 errors today, and in the process, I mucked up some setting, and now neither ISPConfig3 nor phpmyadmin will load. Apache2, fcgid php, mysql and ftp are all working for client sites. I can't find anything in the error or system logs, and I can't find any problems with the files I was tweaking (apache2.conf, fcgid.conf, my.cnf). I even compared them with the files on a VM server that's working OK. A reboot didn't fix the problem.

    System Details: VM Ubuntu Server 9.10, "Perfect Server" setup, ISPConfig, fast cgi, suexec.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    please post the exact error message from the apache error.log.
  3. insideoutsolutions

    insideoutsolutions New Member

    This is the error message when I try to visit http://myserver.com:8080 (for the ispconfig control panel)

    [error] [client my.ip.address] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/clientwebsite.com/web/index.php
    Apparently visits to port 8080 are being routed to a client directory and not to the ispconfig directory
  4. insideoutsolutions

    insideoutsolutions New Member


    ran "hostname" and "hostname -f" on a lark, and that fixed the problem. weird.

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