Hi, I'm trying to install open source social network: https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/ It requires a directory outside of the web folder... How do I add the folder? I can't make directory in the private directory.
You can make a directory in the private folder as FTP user of the site, you can make a directory there as SSH user as well. And PHP scripts of the site can make a directory there as well, just take care that in case you sue apache that PHP mode must be php-fpm or php-fcgi and that suexec checkbox must be enabled.
You can do that with FTP as well. Just log in with FTP, go to the private directory, and create your directory there. Regarding SSH or shell users, there is an option in the menu of the sites module for that in ISPConfig.
Post a screenshot of your FTP client while creating te directory that shows the error. My guess is that you tried to create the directory in the web root and not the private folder.