_netdev in fstab stuck at reboot

Discussion in 'General' started by labsy, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. labsy

    labsy Member

    I have problems with ISPConfig for some time now, as at each reboot it gets stuck at booting up:
    * Stopping mount network filesystems
    * Starting mount network filesystems
    * Stopping mount network filesystems
    After some digging around I found problem to be on newly introduced mounting options in /etc/fstab. Some time ago it was:
    /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/domain.com /var/www/clients/client24/web214/log    none    bind,nobootwait    0 0
    /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/domain2.com /var/www/clients/client25/web219/log    none    bind,nobootwait    0 0
    But recently some update changed this to NETWORK DEVICE:
    /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/domain.com /var/www/clients/client26/web221/log    none    bind,nobootwait,_netdev    0 0
    /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/domain2.com /var/www/clients/client18/web224/log    none    bind,nobootwait,_netdev    0 0
    So, chrooted users are now declared as NETWORK DEVICE, I guess some race condition gets into play between NFS and networking, and boot simply hangs. Actually, I am not sure if I am describing this correctly, but the fact is, that if I remove the option _netdev from /etc/fstab, it boots fine.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's fully configurable under System > server config > web in ispconfig if _netdev is added or not. ISPConfig updates do not change that setting.
  3. labsy

    labsy Member

    Hi Till,
    Thank you for quick reply. I checked WEB config in ISPConfig and there's only one relevant option there:
    Network Filesystem [not selected]
    Is this the setting, which adds _netdev on each fstab entry?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, that's the setting.
  5. labsy

    labsy Member

    Emmm....but as I wrote, it is DISABLED:
    Network Filesystem [not selected]

    Is this a BUG, or is there any other place I can check for the problem to resolve?

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