A question about DNS

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by web-worlds, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member


    A question, if I login to ISPconfig as admin, then I go to Management, there in server settings, on the DNS tab, I change the default NS1 and default NS2 to ns1.web-worlds.com and ns2.web-worlds.com, the I restart the bind server, then approx. how long it would take before a dig web-worlds.com would show this new DNS data ??

    Or am I completely wrong here ???

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You dont have to restart the bind server, this is done by ISPConfig adter the cBIND config files where written.

    DNS propagation may take up to 48 hours. But you can test the local bind server settings before they are valid on all DNS Servers in the internet. Execute this on the shall at your server, replace mydomain.com with your domain name.

    dig @localhost yourdomain.com
  3. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    Hi Till,

    If I do this dig command, I still get the old data???, here is the output:

    server1:~ # dig @localhost web-worlds.com
    ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> @localhost web-worlds.com
    ;; global options:  printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 31367
    ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ;web-worlds.com.                        IN      A
    web-worlds.com.         86400   IN      A
    web-worlds.com.         86400   IN      NS
    web-worlds.com.         86400   IN      NS      web-worlds.com.
    ;; Query time: 3 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Thu Feb  2 16:36:45 2006
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 88
    server1:~ #
    What could be wrong ?

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you change the DNS settings for this domain in the ISPConfig DNS-Manager too? The settings under server > management > settings are only the presets if you create new domains.
  5. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member


    Right there I went wrong, now in the dig command it shows ns1.web-worlds.com and ns2.web-worlds.com :)

    Okay now to do it right, in my ISP's DNS panel I can now set the DNS to be
    ns1.web-worlds.com and ns2.web-worlds.com right ?

    Thanks again,
  6. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    ... but on the other hand...

    If I do a :

    dig seventh-scent.be

    And I get the following info:

    ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> seventh-scent.be
    ;; global options:  printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 50102
    ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ;seventh-scent.be.              IN      A
    seventh-scent.be.       86400   IN      A
    seventh-scent.be.       86400   IN      NS      ns2.web-worlds.com.
    seventh-scent.be.       86400   IN      NS      ns1.web-worlds.com.
    ;; Query time: 3 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Thu Feb  2 17:52:35 2006
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 100
    Why cant I get my internet site then :confused: , it seems to be pointing in the right direction???

  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Have you done "dig seventh-scent.be" on your worksation or on your server. The workstation where you run the internet browser does not need to have the smae DNS info then your server. DNS is cached by many providers between your worksation and your server, thats wy it may take up to 48 hours until all caches where synchronized again.

    If you want to get your site with: http://www.seventh-scent.be you should also test dig www.seventh-scent.be.
  8. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    You right (again!)

    I did it from the server, if I do it from ie www.dnsstuff.com, i get this:

    DNS Lookup: www.seventh-scent.be NS record
    Generated by www.DNSstuff.com
    How I am searching:
    Searching for www.seventh-scent.be NS record at m.root-servers.net []: Got referral to LONDON.NS.DNS.be. [took 196 ms]
    Searching for www.seventh-scent.be NS record at LONDON.NS.DNS.be. []: Got referral to ns1.web-worlds.com. [took 123 ms]
    Searching for www.seventh-scent.be NS record at ns1.web-worlds.com. [Unknown IP]: Error: Couldn't resolve DNS server name/IP [ns1.web-worlds.com][11004].
    An error occurred: Couldn't resolve DNS server name/IP [ns1.web-worlds.com][11004].
    I could not get to the nameserver authoritative for www.seventh-scent.be.  Sorry!
    There is no need to refresh the page -- to see the DNS traversal, to make sure that all DNS servers are reporting
    the same results, you can Click Here.
    Note that these results are obtained in real-time, meaning that these are not cached results.
    These results are what DNS resolvers all over the world will see right now (unless they have cached information).
    Is this because it is not known yet, or is this something else?

    (Everytime I think I get it...I end up being lost again :confused: )


  9. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    And the more advanced part spits out this...

    DNS Report for seventh-scent.be
    Generated by www.DNSreport.com at 18:53:22 GMT on 02 Feb 2006.
    Category Status Test Name Information 
    Parent PASS Missing Direct Parent check OK. Your direct parent zone exists, which is good. Some domains (usually third or fourth level domains, such as example.co.us) do not have a direct parent zone ('co.us' in this example), which is legal but can cause confusion. 
    INFO NS records at parent servers Your NS records at the parent servers are:
    ns1.web-worlds.com. [NO GLUE; No A record]
    ns2.web-worlds.com. [NO GLUE; No A record]
    [These were obtained from b.ns.dns.be] 
    PASS Parent nameservers have your nameservers listed OK. When someone uses DNS to look up your domain, the first step (if it doesn't already know about your domain) is to go to the parent servers. If you aren't listed there, you can't be found. But you are listed there. 
    WARN Glue at parent nameservers WARNING. The parent servers (I checked with b.ns.dns.be.) are not providing glue for all your nameservers. This means that they are supplying the NS records (host.example.com), but not supplying the A records (, which can cause slightly slower connections, and may cause incompatibilities with some non-RFC-compliant programs. This is perfectly acceptable behavior per the RFCs. This will usually occur if your DNS servers are not in the same TLD as your domain (for example, a DNS server of "ns1.example.org" for the domain "example.com"). In this case, you can speed up the connections slightly by having NS records that are in the same TLD as your domain. 
    FAIL DNS servers have A records ERROR. One or more of your DNS servers are missing A records (per NS records that may be cached). As a result, they cannot be used. The problem hostnames are:
    ns1.web-worlds.com. has no A record.
    ns2.web-worlds.com. has no A record.
    NS FAIL NS A timeout occurred getting the NS records from your nameservers! None of your nameservers responded fast enough. They are probably down or unreachable. I can't continue since your nameservers aren't responding. If you have a Watchguard Firebox, it's due to a bug in their DNS Proxy, which must be disabled. 
    Boy am I in trouble...:eek:

  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must create A records for ns1.web-worlds.com and ns2.web-worlds.com!
  11. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    Hi Falko,

    How and where do I have to do this ?

  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The responsible nameservers are ns2.zoneedit.com and ns17.zoneedit.com. I guess zoneedit.com gave you a web frontend where you can configure your DNS records yourself?
  13. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    Hi Falko,

    Yes that is right, but I want to change with godaddy that it will point to my own server, and not zoneedit, because as far as I understand now that I have my own DNS server i dont need zoneedit anymore right ?

    And that is only for my main domain, but what about the domains that I create in ISPconfig ???

  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Why don't you leave the domain at zoneedit.com, create ns1.web-worlds.com pointing to your ISPConfig server #1 and ns2.web-worlds.com pointing to your ISPConfig server #2? You can then use your ISPConfig servers to run your own nameservers.
    Have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6292&postcount=4
  15. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    Okay that sounds perfect, but it raises just another question:

    1) What to enter in ISPCONFIG DNS-Manager for my main domain Web-worlds.com, right now I have this:

    • Server : Server 1
    • Domain SOA : web-worlds.com
    • IP Address :
    • Admin Email: [email protected]
    • NS1 : ns1.web-worlds.com
    • NS2 : ns2.web-worlds.com
    • Refresch etc standard
    • A RECORD
    • IP Adresse Hostname www
    • CNAME --EMPTY--
    • MX Mailserver web-worlds.com Hostname --EMPTY--
    • SPF --EMPTY--

    Then how d I need to set my DNS for a sub domain seventh-scent.be, right now it is:

    • Server : Server 1
    • Domain SOA : seventh-scent.be
    • IP Address :
    • Admin Email: [email protected]
    • NS1 : ns1.web-worlds.com
    • NS2 : ns2.web-worlds.com
    • Refresch etc standard
    • A RECORD
    • IP Adresse Hostname www
    • CNAME --EMPTY--
    • MX Mailserver web-worlds.com Hostname --EMPTY--
    • SPF --EMPTY--

    To where I need to point my domain registrar for my main domain web-worlds.com, right now it is:

    Name Server 1 : ns2.zoneedit.com
    Name Server 2 : ns17.zoneedit.com​
    And to where I need to point my domain registrar of my sub domain seventh-scent.be, right now it is this

    Name Server 1 : ns1.web-worlds.com GLUE --EMPTY--
    Name Server 2 : ns2.web-worlds.com GLUE --EMPTY--​

    I know these are a lot of questions, but I wanted it to be clear, for both you, me, and other readers :)

    Thanks a lot,
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Don't create DNS records for web-worlds.com in ISPConfig! This domain is handled by the zoneedit.com nameservers. It doesn't make sense then to create the records on your ISPConfig servers.

    Don't use internal IP addresses. You must use your public IP address, otherwise nobody from outside your LAN can visit your web site!

    Can you post a screenshot of this?
  17. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member


    I am starting to get pretty panicking by now, going into the second day without running server... :confused:

    Here is the screenshot:


    Also in the Management-Server-Setting what needs to be there, right now it is:

    • Server Name: Server 1
    • Hostname: www
    • Domain: web-worlds.com
    • IP Address:
    • Netmask:
    • Admin Email: [email protected]
    • IP List:

    • BIND User: named
    • BIND Group: named
    • named.conf: /etc/named.conf
    • Zonefiles Dir.: /var/lib/named
    • Default Ns1: ns1.web-worlds.com
    • Default Ns2: ns2.web-worlds.com
    • Admin Email: [email protected]
    • Default MX: V

    And the most strange thing is that it was working until yesterday???

    :confused: HELP :confused:

    Very BIG thanks,
  18. web-worlds

    web-worlds New Member

    Me again...

    And then... without any changes it starts working again... I am completly lost here and have this strange feeling that I dont know if I should be happy or not...because what if it happens again... :confused:

    Still like an answer to above posting because I am afraid that there is something wrong, but I dont know what...

    :eek: WHAAAHHHAAAA I am going nuts.

  19. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Looks ok.

    This can happen because it takes up to 72 hours until DNS changes take effect. Maybe that's why things didn't work the way you expected.
  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your problems may be also caused by your router or your ISP blocking some ports temporarily.

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