A Record, CNAME and MX records Help!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by willebanks, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. willebanks

    willebanks New Member

    Howdy all,

    a few months ago I purchased a domain name from Yahoo and a static IP from SBC global. I have just setup my Fedora Core 4 box and used the perfect Fedora setup to start things off. The problem I'm having is changing the A Record, CNAME and MX records from Yahoo hosting to pointing to my server.

    The A Record I have setup is :

    example.com = xx.xxx.x.xx (my Static IP address)
    www.example.com = xx.xxx.x.xx (my Static IP address)

    For some reason when I try to change the CNAME
    *.example.com to www.example.com I keep getting this error message from Yahoo:

    Sorry, we cannot create that CNAME record. The source *.example.com cannot point to a subdomain of the same domain. Please choose a unique source or change the destination and try again.

    I have no idea what this means yet when I change

    mail.example.com to point to server1.example .com I don't get the same error message! I'm hoping that this will help point mail to my server!

    I have also setup my MX exchange to:

    example.com 20
    www.example.com 30
    mail.example.com 10

    I am so confused by all this and I hope someone can verify that this is all correct and if not assist me in getting this right...I really want to be able to send and receive email at my domain...

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Will Banks
  2. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    If you ahve a dedicated IP why not setting up nameservers for your domain and tell at the registrar (yahoo) to use your nameservers (on your local computer) for the master zone?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The record *.example.com as cname means that you want to redirect all subdomains to a specific domain. This works only if this is the only A or CNAME record of the domain.

    To get a better understanding of the DNS system, you might have a look here:


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