about adding ips

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Alaa Mohammed, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Alaa Mohammed

    Alaa Mohammed New Member

    i'm new in ispconfig and i can't understand the following how to be done
    i setup server with ip
    then i get another 2 ips ;
    i added the 2 ips to the Nic interface
    now i want to make 2 of these 3 ips (1&2) to be for my name servers for shared hosting
    and the 3rd one dedicated to site for ssl install (www .othercustomersite .com)

    i added the 3 ips to my server1.domain.com ,, in system--> server ip addresses ,, i don't know if this right or not and how to make this work ??

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