Ubuntu 14.04, ISPC3.0.5.4p5 I have encountered a problem when making a fresh install of Laravel by composer. It is located in ~web25/web The fresh installation of laravel requires redirect from apache2, so I added this to Apache Directive: Code: DocumentRoot /var/www/clients/client1/web25/web/public And it gives error as below: website error: and global error: I have no idea to how it happens, could anyone give a clue?
I'm having the exact same issue - Did you ever get yours resolved? And if so, what was your solution? Thanks!
IMHO ISPConfig3 needs a setting to change the document root to web/public, to support modern PHP frameworks, desperately For a solution (Nginx) see this thread: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/nginx-and-modern-php-frameworks-problem.70305/ AFAICS a setting in the Apache Directive will not help, it won't influence prior FPM bindings, so the Document root will change for all files except *.php.
I'm still having this exact same error after a fresh install of laravel 5. Does anyone has a solution for this ? edit: For anyone coming here from google (like me), I managed to fix this solution by installing php 5.6.18 in ispconfig.
I was pulling a laravel project from my private git repository. This is what I did to make it work. You needed to a directive the apache in the options tab Code: DocumentRoot {DOCROOT}/public I then ssh into the site to generate a new key - Code: cd ../../web php artisan key:generate Then you need to add that key to your .env file.